The Firm Booty Workout: Get a Butt like Beyonce’, J Lo and Kim Kardashian

The average woman has some kind of complaint about her butt. Either it’s too big, too small, too saggy or too floppy. When making a reference to a perfect butt, often times women will refer to either Beyonce’, J Lo or Kim Kardashian. These celebrity women seem to have what’s considered to be just the right amount of “junk in the trunk”. It’s not too big or too small and it’s nice and round and firm. If you are seeking to achieve that perfect booty then there is some work that will have to be done. Depending on the condition of your current butt, all you need is a little time and a lot of consistency. Here is a great booty workout program to help you achieve a nice firm butt.


The first thing you will need to do to get a nice firm but is get rid of excess fat. This means you will need to do some type of cardio activity in addition to firming exercises for your butt. If you only do booty firming and lifting exercises you’re only going to firm and lift what you already have. If your butt is what you consider to be oversized, it is going to look even bigger if you just firm and lift.


In or to get a firm and lifted but you will definitely want to do some lunges. Since they work a lot of different muscles all at once, lunges can sometimes be a challenge. The good thing about this butt firming exercise is that there are a variety of styles to choose from. There are front lunges, reverse lunges, side to side lunges, walking lunges and wheel lunges. On your back leg you will be working your quadriceps and calves and on the front leg you will be working the hamstring and glutes (butt).

See also  How to Get a Bigger Butt: Workout


Doing squats is another great way to tighten and tone your butt. This exercise actually works your hips, thighs and butt. As with lunges there are a variety of squats to choose from. One of the more popular style is the legendary chair squats. For this style of squat, squat while keeping your back straight and standing with your legs hip-width apart. Make sure you keep your knees behind your toes and your abs tucked in. You want to squat and let your butt slightly touch a chair and squeeze your butt together as you come up.

Step Ups

You can also do step ups to get a firm butt. When doing this you simply want to place one foot on a platform or step and push through the heel of your foot onto the step. Make sure your step or platform is high enough for you to feel a good burn.

Implementing the above steps into your quest for a toned and tight butt should have your booty looking like Beyonce’s, J Lo’s and Kim Kardashian’s in no time.