The Controversial Issue of Ear Candling

Ear candling, which is also referred to as coning, is not something that has been newly invented. In fact, it has been around for thousands of years. However, today, it is becoming an increasingly popular trend. Here, we will take a much closer look at how ear candling works, as well as the controversy that surrounds it.

How Does Ear Candling Work?

Ear candling works by putting one end of a hollow candle into the ear canal, while the other end of the candle gets lit. There is usually a paper plate or other form of protection placed between the person’s face and the ear, in order to protect the person from being burned from hot wax that may fall. People who believe that ear candling really works believe that it acts as a vacuum, by “sucking up” the ear wax and other toxins which are naturally found in the ear and the sinus area.

What is Ear Candling Supposed to Do?

Those who believe that ear candling is legitimate believes that it works to improve your overall sinus area in a number of ways. Some of the things which this procedure is believed to do include relieving sinus headaches by opening blocked sinus passages, soothing a hacking cough, and breaking down the wax buildup that you have in your ears in order to prevent you from having itchy ears and earaches. Many people also claim that it helps them hear better.

What are the Dangers of Ear Candling?

Although it may sound fine and dandy, the truth is that there are a number of different health risks which may be associated with ear candling. For starters, one of the biggest risks that are involved is damage of the ear canal that has been caused by the wax from the candle dripping into the ear. Another major risk that can occur is a perforated ear drum, which occurs when wax drips into your ear and burns a hole through your ear drum. Although it may not be as serious, the other risk which you will be faced with is burning on other parts of the body. However, many times, this does not occur due to the paper plate that is placed between the face and the candle.

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How Does the FDA Feel?

The FDA does not, by any means, approve of ear candling. They believe that it can be a very dangerous procedure when it is not performed correctly. They also believe that there are too many health risks involved for it to be considered safe. Although they have not completely prohibited the practice, they have banned all doctors from making claims that ear candling will help a patient, in any way.

Is Ear Candling Worth It?

Whether or not ear candling is a good idea is up to you. Although there are many people who swear by it without having experienced any negative side effects, there are many people out there who have experienced horrible side effects. One of the most popular stands on this controversial issue is that ear candling does not work at all. Others believe that ear candling can even cause more wax to build up.

Overall, if you want to get your ears candled, one of the first steps is making sure that the procedure is performed by a qualified professional who follows the directions. You should never perform this procedure on yourself at home if you are not sure what you are doing.