The Benefits and Downfalls of Donating Your Eggs

When a couple is unable to conceive a child, it is one of the most heartbreaking experiences that they will have to go through. However, there are a number of different new ways to make it possible for a couple to have a child. Chances are that you may have heard of one of these increasingly common methods, which is egg donation. Most people look at this method as a win-win situation, however, you should be sure to consider the benefits and downfalls that are associated with donating your eggs before you decide to go through with the process.


1. The main benefit of donating your eggs is the fact that you will be able to make it possible for a couple to have a child. There is no gift greater than the gift of love. This is the main reason that you should want to donate your eggs in the first place.

2. Money. Although it should not be a huge issue, chances are that the one of the main reasons that you will end up donating your eggs is because of the money that you will be offered. Most places will pay you between five thousand dollars and ten thousand dollars. If you are looking for a great way to make some money which also comes with other benefits, like knowing that you have given a couple the chance to raise children. Often times, egg donation ads are directed at colleges because students are looking for extra money to pay off their student loans with. If this is the case for you, chances are that donating your eggs can be a great choice.

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There are a number of different disadvantages which may be associated with donating your eggs. They are as follows:

1. One of the biggest risks that you may face when you decide to donate your eggs is Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome. Some of the symptoms which occur with this syndrome include abdominal swelling, gastrointestinal stress and fluid accumulation. In some cases, women who go through this will also experience a large amount of weight gain, breathing difficulties, blood clots and even kidney failure. All of these additional symptoms are very uncommon, however. Women who are younger and who are very much below the ideal body weight for their height and age tend to be the most at risk for developing Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome.

2. Another one of the main risks which is associated with donating your eggs is an increased chance of developing cancer. The drugs which are used to stimulate the ovaries before the donation process have been shown to cause cancer in numerous studies. The main types of cancer which are believed to be caused by these drugs are breast cancer, uterine and ovarian cancer.

3. During the process of retrieving the eggs, there are a number of different risks which you may face. For starters, many people have claimed that the process was very painful for them. The typical person experiences some amount of cramping later. In some cases, women have even experienced bleeding, infections, and damage to their internal organs.

4. Some women experience emotional side effects due to donating eggs. They feel that it is much like adoption, in that a couple will get to raise a baby which is biologically theirs. If you are not emotionally equipped to handle donating your eggs, then it is probably not something that you should take into consideration. If you do end up donating them and experience depression for a long period of time, it is a good idea to see a therapist or counselor.

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Although there are several main benefits which are associated with donating your eggs, there are also a variety of different health risks which are involved. It is important for you to make sure that the benefits outweigh the downfalls before you decide to commit to donating your eggs.