Sweet ‘N Low vs. Truvia Natural Sweetener

While attending Thanksgiving dinner at one of my sisters’ homes, I had the opportunity to sample Truvia Nature’s Calorie-Free Sweetener for the first time. I had never seen or heard of this product until seeing it on the dinner table there, when we were having dessert and coffee. Normally, I use Sweet ‘N Low sugar substitute almost exclusively. I’ve been consuming Sweet ‘N Low in my coffee and almost eveything else that needs to be sweetened, for many years.

Not only did I try the Truvia sweetener at Thanksgiving, but I have also had the opportunity to utilize it several other times recently. Truvia has been appearing alongside the coffee pot at several of the Alcoholics Anonymous meetings that I regularly attend and I have chosen to use it in place of Sweet ‘N Low sometimes, recently. One of the main reasons I have chosen to use the Truvia is because of its natural makeup. After giving thought to the fact that I have been using both of these brands of sweetener, I realized that a product comparison review was presenting itself. Presented here, in an effort to assist the consumer, is one food writer’s product comparison review of Sweet ‘N Low zero calorie sweetener and Truvia natural sweetener.

The regular retail price charged for one 3.5 ounce package of Sweet ‘N Low sweetener at Hartford, Connecticut area supermarkets is approximately $2.49. Because the package holds 100 packets of sweetener, I think that this price is very reasonable. It should also be noted that Sweet ‘N Low is often on sale at various supermarkets, pharmacies and other food retailers, with substantial savings offered.

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The regular retail price charged for one 4.9 ounce box of Truvia Nature’s Calorie-Free Sweetener at Hartford, Connecticut area supermarkets is approximately $3.69. The box holds 40 packets of sweetener.

Nutritional Facts
One packet of Sweet ‘N Low sugar substitute contains 0 calories, 0 grams trans fat, 0 grams total fat, 0 mg of sodium, 1 gram total carbohydrates, 1 gram of sugars and 0 grams of protein.

Truvia Nature’s Calorie-Free Sweetener contains 0 calories, 0 grams trans fat, 0 grams total fat, 0 mg of sodium, 3 grams total carbohydrates and 0 grams of protein.

Taste / Flavor
Sweet ‘N Low offers a flavor that is plenty sweet, yet neutral. Through the years, I have utilized this product as a sweetener in coffee, tea, sauces, including pasta sauces and a wide range of desserts. I have never experienced any type of unpleasant aftertaste or less – than – excellent results when using this product, even in baking.

The flavor offered by Truvia natural sweetener tastes almost as sweet as Sweet ‘N Low to me, but the flavor also seems more complex. That might sound strange, considering that this product is billed as a natural type of sweetener. I can’t put my finger on it, but something about the taste of Truvia leaves me slightly less than 100% satisfied with it. I am not saying that I think the flavor of Truvia is unpleasant, it just leaves me a little bit curious as to what its ingredients are. It must also be stated that I thought I detected a slight, yet not disagreeable aftertaste after consuming Truvia, more than once.

Sweet ‘N Low zero calorie sweetener is sold in several different – sized packages, each of which contains individual serving – sized packets of the sweetener. Each of the familiar pink packets of Sweet ‘N Low provides the equivalent sweetness of teaspoons of sugar.

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Truvia Nature’s Calorie-Free Sweetener is also sold in several different – sized packages. Each of these packages also holds individual serving – sized packets of the sweetener. Each packet of Truvia contains the equivalent sweetness of two teaspoons of sugar.

Sweet ‘N Low zero calorie sweetener is regularly stocked and sold at supermarkets, pharmacies, convenience stores and many other types of food retailers. On a humorous note, some people acquire their supplies of Sweet ‘ N Low by pilfering it from tabletop containers at restaurants.

To the best of my knowledge, Truvia natural sweetener is not stocked and sold at as many retailers as is Sweet ‘N Low. It seems apparent to me however, that this sweetener is gaining in popularity and is being stocked and sold at more food retailers as time goes by.

The main similarity in the packaging of Sweet ‘N Low zero calorie sweetener and Truvia natural sweetener is that they are both offered in individual serving – sized packets. Each brands’ packets list all relevant ingredient and nutritional information and they are also easy to open. As stated above, both of these brands of sweetener are available in several different – sized packages.

Both Sweet ‘N Low and Truvia are very effective as all – purpose sweeteners. Whether they be used as sweeteners for hot or cold beverages, or in cooking, I would imagine that each of these sweeteners would be effective. I say I would imagine so, because I have never utilized Truvia in cooking or baking.

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Overall Rating
All things considered, Sweet ‘N Low zero calorie sweetener and Truvia are both effective sweeteners. They are all – purpose sugar substitutes that are easy and convenient to use. Available at supermarkets, pharmacies and other food retailers in most areas, Sweet ‘N Low zero calorie sweetener and Truvia natural sweetener are both very good products.

Sources :
Personal experience with the products
The product labels