How to Help Your Labrador Retriever Dog Lose Weight

Has your Labrador retriever been putting on a bit of weight lately? Unfortunately, this dog breed can be particularly prone to weight gain. Those extra pounds your lovable Labrador is carrying around could be costly in terms of his health. Here are some tips to help your Labrador retriever dog lose weight and become a slim and trim canine:

Take a fresh look at your dog’s diet.

Are you feeding your dog a high quality dog food that’s appropriate for his age? If your Labrador retriever is over the age of seven, it may be time to switch to a dog food designed for seniors or a dog food formulated for overweight dogs. The adult formula may be too high in calories for his particular stage in his life. You may want to check with your veterinarian and see if he can recommend a dog food that’s ideally suited for your dog’s age and weight.

Reassess the quantity of dog food you’re giving your Labrador retriever.

Your veterinarian should be able to give you a rough idea how many calories your dog needs each day based on his weight. You’ll then need to know how many calories per cup your dog’s food contains. This will allow you to measure exactly how much food to give your Labrador at each feeding. It’s quite common for dog owners to overfeed their dogs.

Stop giving your Labrador table food.

Not only does table food add more calories to your Labrador retriever’s diet, it can increase his risk for developing stomach upset or pancreatitis which can be a life threatening condition. If you’re regularly feeding your dog table food, simply eliminating this habit may be enough to help your Labrador lose weight.

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Help your Labrador retriever get daily exercise.

As dogs get older, they start to lie around the house more and become the equivalent of human couch potatoes. Help your dog burn some calories by taking him on a daily walk at least thirty minutes in length. Not only will this help your dog lose weight, it’ll also help to reduce joint stiffness that can come with aging. If your Labrador retriever is younger, a short game of ball every day will not only stimulate him mentally but help him with weight loss.

Enlist the help of your family.

Is your family sneaking table food and other treats to your Labrador retriever? If so, it’s time to enlist their cooperation in helping the family dog lose weight. Let them know that being overweight can shorten your dog’s lifespan and increase the potential for serious health problems. Encourage them to take your Labrador for a walk instead of indulging him with food.

By following a few simple steps, you can help your Labrador retriever dog lose the excess weight so he can live a longer and healthier life.