Summer Jobs for Kids

Everyone needs money including school aged kids. Here are some summer jobs for kids that are too young to get a full time summer job. These jobs take advantage of skills kids have, or jobs only they want to do. Many of these jobs include manual labor by school aged children, but others involve taking advantage of skills they learn at a young age which the older generation might not be knowledgable in.

Pet Waste Remove– This is not exactly a glamourous job, but it is one that serves as a summer job for kids where they can make extra money. Ask your neighbors that have pets if they need assistance removing their animal waste from their yard. If they do, your child might be able to turn this into a summer job. Ask your neighbors if they will pay a certain amount of money on a weekly basis for your child to visit their yard and remove their animal waste on a daily basis. This might be a smelly job, but consider it is one that many wouldn’t want it is a great summer job for kids in which they can make a fair amount of money.

Pet Walking– Along the same lines as the first job, do your neighbors have pets? Does your child enjoy playing with pets? Well how about this as a summer job for kids, the opportunity to walk your neighbor’s pets and play with the pets as well. This is a job that many elderly adults who have pets don’t have the energy to do on a daily basis. There are also working professionals in your area that would love to have someone walk their pets while they are at the office. This is a great summer job for kids to make extra money at.

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Internet Lessons– Many kids today know more about the internet than their parents do. This provides great summer jobs for kids. Offer your children’s knowledge of the internet as an educational opportunity for the elderly in your neighborhood that would like to learn how to use the internet. Many elderly citizens want to know how to do basic activities such as sending email or communicating with loved ones via email. This is a great opportunity for summer jobs for kids as almost every school age kid is able to use email and instant messaging. It will also help them learn to interact with the elderly while teaching them how to use the computer. While performing this summer job for kids, your children might learn a little about life from those that they are teaching.

Cell Phone Lessons- Many people out there find cell phones difficult to use, or at least use to their full potential. This is another great summer job for kids, having them teach those that are unfamiliar with cell phones how to use them. Once again, school aged children have learned technology quickly and many know how to use cell phones, organize contact lists, use scheduling programs on the cell phone, and use text and instant messaging programs on the cell phone. These are skills that many adults may not know or want to take the time to read manuals to learn. With having your child teach them it provides a great summer job for kids.

These jobs listed above involve both physical labor and intellectual teaching. Choose one or more that fit the skill level of your school aged children and you can find a great summer jobs for kids.