What to Do Indoors with Your Kids on a Rainy Day

Rainy days can ruin planned activities or events you might have with your children, but don’t worry there are plenty of other things you can do indoors if the rain is preventing to enjoy the outdoors. Here is my list of 20 things you can do on a rainy day:

1. Poster board painting
You will need to have these items handy to do this activity:
Markers and a poster board
Have the kids draw on their own poster whatever they want and when they are done you can hang them in their rooms.

2. Paper planes
We all have made paper planes at some point in our lives but the truth is that nowadays kids have other devices to play with like Nintendo’s or PlayStations. Teach them how to make paper planes and see who can fly the furthest.

3. Make your own pizza
This is extra fun for the kids, your local supermarket might have this item handy. It is a box with everything you need to make your own pizza and bake it in the oven. The kids can get creative and put any toppings they want on it.

4. Put a puzzle together
Puzzles are lots of fun, you can have a contest to see who finishes first or just put it together and spend that quality time the kids enjoy.

5. Watch a movie
Get some popcorn and pick out a movie they haven’t seen yet. Rainy days are great to cozy up and watch a good movie.

6. Read a book
Kids love to read and love to be read to as well. Read the kids a book and act it out with them.

See also  Ten Ways for Adults to Enjoy a Rainy Day

7. Play what is that?
This game is really fun, you have to blindfold your child and place an object in their hands, they have to guess what it is. Grab your recorder because it is lots of fun and very funny.

8. Exercise
Yes exercise, kids love to be active and doing exercise helps them use that energy they can’t use outdoors. Make it fun with some music.

9. Play dress up
Grab those old Halloween costumes and play dress up. Have them do a play and create their own story.

10. Face paint
You don’t have to be a professional to face paint. There are kits at any craft stores that come with how-to books. Kids love face painting and you can save it for an upcoming birthday.

11. Paint your nails
This is very simple but lots of fun. Get some nail polish and make your own designs, paint each other’s nails. Have them close their eyes and do a design and then show them once you’re finished. This one is for the girls.

12. Start your birthday or Christmas list
It’s never too early to create your wish list, get a notepad and have the kids write down what they want for Christmas or their birthdays.

13. Make a postcard
Do you have family that lives far away? Then take this opportunity to make them a postcard and mail it to them. It will be a nice surprise and fun for the kids.

14. Karaoke
If you don’t have a karaoke machine you can always go online and search for karaoke songs on you tube. Sing along with the kids and see who messes up.

See also  Top 10 Rap Songs to Sing for Karaoke

15. Hide and seek
Everyone likes hide and seek, kids never get tired of this one.

16. Family pictures
Bring out all your photo albums and have the kids try to guess who that baby is. Kids love to look at pictures, plus you will have plenty of stories to tell for each one

17. Plant a seed
Go to your local store and buy the little packets of seeds, you can get the green bell pepper and a small planter. Show the kids how to plant a seed and place it outside. They will see how it grows week by week

18. Paper plate masks
Get some paper plates and have the kids draw a face, then cut out the eyes so they can use them as masks and play with them.

19. Ice cream malt
Make some Ice cream malts, these are delicious when mixed with soda. Grab a large cup of soda and add a scoop of ice cream.

20. Bake a cake or cupcakes
Have the kids mix the ingredients and then pour it into the pan. They will love eating their own creations.

There you have it, a list of 20 things you can do indoors on a rainy day, I hope my list helps and you can enjoy the day without having to get wet.