Stainless Steel Vs. Solid Wood Cabinets

The decision to make the transition from wooden cabinetry to stainless steel is one that can be made based on the theme and décor of your kitchen, as well as the theme in which you are trying to attain. Stainless steel cabinets have many benefits besides being the most durable kitchen choice. They can modernize a kitchen, and match many décor schemes. If you already have cement of granite countertops, than stainless steel cabinets are going to be a great addition to your kitchen. Stainless steel cabinets will never need refacing, wooden cabinets tend to wear, or get old but rest assured that homeowners will not have this problem with stainless steel cabinets. Stainless steel cabinets are some of the easiest to install, and can often be completed by the homeowner, saving thousands of dollars in installation costs. Often, the installation comes as easy as screwing the system into the wall. Stainless steel cabinets will never wear, and they will be guaranteed for years.

The benefits of wooden cabinetry are that the cabinets come in many shapes and sizes, these cabinets can be customized with paints, decorations and drawer pulls. Wooden cabinetry can be obtained for low prices for

There are certain fundamental issues that make wooden cabinetry a poor choice for a kitchen. The kitchen is a place in the home that is filled with moisture. What happens when wood is exposed tot his moisture? The wood tends to become warped, the facing on the cabinets could wear, the paint could peel, and the cabinets could become dated looking very quickly.

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There are certain things that should be considered before purchasing stainless steel cabinets. The cabinets should close and open securely, some even come with a locking device that allows them to close evenly. Make sure that the cabinets have been galvanized or rust proofed as kitchens are moist environments, and a rusty kitchen cabinet could not only be dangerous, but unsightly to the homeowner. Once the cabinets have been installed we have to think about stainless steel and the risks that come with it. In proper installation there should be no sharp corners protruding from the cabinets and there should be no visible seams, or screws that stick out from the cabinets. These could pose risks, especially to children in the home. Most times, the edges are welded to create a soft corner, keeping safety in mind.

Many homeowners are concerned with the cold feel of the stainless steel cabinets, and feel that they will take the warmth from the kitchen. There are many additions that can be completed to make the cabinets feel warm, such as, creating glass or other texture as facing for the stainless steel cabinets.

Wood cabinets require little maintenance as to refinishing and cleaning until they wear, but stainless requires application of certain oils each month to keep the sheen on the cabinets. Although they will not need to be refinished, they will require upkeep. Stainless steel cleaners are more expensive than wood cleaners, and can be more time consuming. If you have little children, than stainless steel cabinets can be a handful while trying to remove the fingerprints.

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All in all, there are many benefits to having stainless steel cupboards. They are perfect for the modern kitchen, and can match the stainless steel appliances that have grown in popularity, although expensive, they are a good investment. One worth looking into if you are a homeowner trying to renovate your kitchen.