Sports of Mexico

Mexico is a country with many popular sports. When one is to mention sports in Mexico, a persons mind is drawn directly to soccer, or football in their language. Little does this person know that Mexico has a vast majority of popular sports. These include softball, soccer, and also extreme sports such as bungee jumping and skydiving. Motocross and wrestling are also part of the great offer of Mexican sports. The country of Mexico is a very competitive country. The results of one sports event can start things from local fights and arguments up to national political debates. When two all-time rivals meet each other for a game, no matter the sport, the outcome can make a majority of the Mexican population stop in its tracks. Nearly every Mexican citizen will stop to turn on their television, tune in their radio, or go to the local “hot spot” to find out what has happened to their favorite team.

Soccer is known as the most popular Mexican sport. This sport is the one that represents the country the most. As was said earlier, when one mentions a Mexican sport, the mind is directed towards soccer. People from all cities will gather to watch just one soccer match, usually on Sunday afternoons. Many soccer teams from Mexico have won international cups. One that has been won many times is the Copa Libertadores. The Copa Libertadores is the Latin American equivalent to the European cup. The national Mexican league features players of other countries such as the United States of America and various European countries. The Chivas and the Tigres are perhaps the most internationally known Mexican soccer teams.

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Few people know that Mexican sports are not limited to classic sports, such as football, soccer, baseball, and basketball. As publicized on television documentaries and in various magazines, Mexico has been chosen as one of the top spots for extreme sports. Mexico’s extreme sports range from bungee jumping to skydiving. The landscape and terrain of Mexico makes this country the perfect spot for extreme sports such as what was listed. With many mountains and flat desert like land there is no reason to stop one from jumping off of a mountain, or out of an airplane.

If one was to see colorful masks and spectacular acrobatics performed in Mexico, they are likely watching Mexican wrestlers. Lucha libre is the Mexican term for their form of wrestling. Lucha libre translates to free fighting. As in most wrestling matches in America, the winners are pre-determined. This is to make wrestling matches seem like a pre-planned soap opera. Mexican wrestlers are playing their parts, they are not actually angry at others and do not want to hurt their competitors. There is nothing fake about the athleticism and training required for the intricate lucha libre moves though. Luchadores, Mexican wrestlers, are usually smaller, faster and more agile than their American counterparts.

To conclude, Mexico is a country of many sports. Soccer is an ancient Mexican tradition, but is far from the only popular Mexican sport. Popular Mexican sports range from soccer and softball, to more extreme sports such as skydiving, motocross, wrestling, and bungee jumping. The Mexican population takes sports very seriously, as sports play a major role in a Mexican citizens everyday life.

Popular Sports in Mexico

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