Soothing Chapped Lips

Rough, red, cracked, sensitive lips is not a dangerous condition if taken care of but it is annoying. They can be treated right at home and there are steps you can take to keep your lips healthy all the time.

Usually your natural skin oils keep your lips smooth, moist and soft but some weather conditions and medications will dry you out and cause chapped lips. Dry, cold, windy conditions outside you can expect chapped lips. If you take antihistamines they can cause your lips to become dry, cracked and irritated too.

People who lick their lips are not helping the situation. They are causing a prime condition for chapped lips. If you suffer from nasal congestion due to allergies or a cold/sinus infection you may find that you will have to breathe through your mouth and will find that your lips will become dried and chapped.

Some lipsticks, toothpaste, mouthwash and other oral care products that you may use can cause a drying effect on your lips. Be aware of what you use and switch products if needed. Remember to watch for alcohol in these products. Alcohol will dehydrate you even further.

Chronic chapped lips left untreated can become a medical problem. Chemicals from your facial products and bacteria can penetrate more easily into the cracks. This will cause a severe irritation, pain and possibly an infection.

Cold sores and bacterial infections are more likely to happen if your lips are already dry and chapped. When lips become dry and inflamed painful cracks may develop in the corners of your mouth making it very difficult to open your mouth fully. If left untreated these cracks may become infected with bacteria causing the healing process to be delayed.

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Most chapped lips can be effectively treated at home as long as you start treatment immediately. If you develop an infection (redness, swelling and oozing) consult with your doctor or dermatologist.

If you lick your lips you need to make a conscience effort to stop this habit. The more you lick your lips the more moisture will be depleted. When you repeatedly lick your lips, you are exposing them to too much moisture which has a drying effect. If your lips are dry and chapped you may find licking your lips feels good but you are actually making the situation worse.

Use a good lip balm. Lip balms will help seal moisture in the lips with a protective barrier. Reapply as necessary, especially after eating and drinking.

Vaseline also works well. You may not want to carry a jar of petroleum jelly with you all day so keep this to use at home, especially at night.

Switch to lipsticks that are packed with moisturizers. If you use lipsticks regularly you can still wear it when your lips are chapped.

When weather conditions are windy and cold protect your face with a scarf. If you have to be outside try not to be out there for a prolonged period of time.

Keep your lips hydrated at all times. Lip balms and any other lip products you may use needs to contain a sunscreen.

Toothpaste and mouthwashes may be drying your lips out. Watch significantly for the alcohol content. There are now mouthwashes that contain no alcohol.

When your lips are dry and chapped avoid irritating foods. Spicy and salty foods will be very irritating to chapped lips. Also, avoid drinking alcohol as it can have an additional drying effect.

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If you start to notice really deep cracks especially at the corners of your mouth, stay away from lipsticks. Lip balms are okay. At night, apply zinc oxide ointment to your lips. Watch carefully for signs of infections.

Chapped lips are irritating but can be soothed. You should see a noticeable difference in a few days after treatment.