Slot Machine Betting Tips – Ideas to Make Your Gambling Money Last Longer at the Casino

If you enjoy recreational gambling and playing slot machines, you may sometimes look for ways to make your money last longer. Here are ideas on betting that may stretch your gambling money at the casino.

Play Slower
One of the easiest ways to enjoy and extend the experience of gambling is to play and bet slower. Literally slow the pace of how quickly you press the play buttons on the slot machine in front of you. I have found that deliberately being aware of how fast I am pushing the bet button is the first step. By keeping in mind that you are at the casino to enjoy yourself in a relaxed manner, you’ll be less likely to fall into a speedy and sometimes more frantic betting style.

Another trick is to always have a beverage or snack with you to sip or munch on, between slot machine pulls. Taking a leisurely lunch or several shorter snack breaks away from the casino floor also encourages a more spread out gambling experience.

Alternate Slot Machines
If you usually play a certain type of slot machine and bet a particular amount, try alternating with less costly slots. For example, I like some games with surprise random bonuses and often play these, betting a dollar or so. It works well, for me, to alternate playing these with different penny slots, where I may bet all possible lines for 20 cents or so.

Alternate Games
Another idea is to alternate games on multi-game and multi-denominational slot machines. This allows you to have fun varying the play as well as the bets. For instance, on this type of machine you might be able to play poker, keno, and regular line games, betting a penny, nickel, dime, quarter, or dollar etc., depending on the game.

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Alternate Bets
You may be able to make your gambling money last longer on a single game slot machine by alternating your bets. This way you still have a chance of winning larger jackpots some of the time, while simultaneously stretching out your playing money. Consider alternating your bets in a regular pattern, for instance, one pull at $.25, then one at $.50, or two pulls at $1.00, then a third at $.50; whatever pattern seems fun to try.

Another angle is to bet a particular amount each time, and raise it for a few pulls if you win amounts above it. You might hit a consequently larger jackpot when betting the higher amount and decide to continue. Or get nothing for a number of pulls and decide to go back to your pre-determined regular bet amount.

Lower Your Bets
If your gambling play money is going too quickly, consider drastically dropping your bets for a while. Find a lower denominational slot machine or cut back on the one you are already playing. Slots may run in cycles – few payoffs for a while, then a spell of frequent bonuses and jackpots. By significantly lowering your bets during the dry spells until the payoffs begin again!