How to Win on the Slot Machines

Gambling is a lot of fun if you do not loose. Gaming has become a hobby for a lot of people worldwide and it can be fun if you are playing slot machines or card tables. Sometimes it is easy to see which machines are going to be paying out the most. These machines are usually called “hot machines.” If a machine is hot, you usually see people waiting to hop on the machine once another player gets up from the slot machine. You will hear the machine paying out and gamers screaming. People are usually happy on a hot machine.

Many gamblers do not realize that you do not only win on the hot slots, but you can also win on a cold slot machine. How do you know when the machine will pay out? The answer to this question is that you do not know when it will pay out. However there are ways that you can strenghthen your way of winning on a slot machine if you know how to play them correctly. Let us first talk about the nickel slot machines.

The nickel slot machines are something that most people love to play in today’s modern casino. They are fun because the starting bid is usually just 5 cents. What people do not realize is that you can win big on these machines if you know how to play them. I always play the max bet on every nickel machine in a casino. I do this because your chances of winning are very high. In one night, I hit the payout jackpot 14 times and on 14 different machines in one night. I literally hit them one after the other. You could believe that I had security following me around all night. Once I figured out this secret, I learned that you could win almost every time on the nickel machines. I am not telling you that you should do this because it can get very expensive. However, if you can afford to spend $500.00 in one night, then this is a way for you to win some big bucks. I have won as much as $1,500.00. If you continue to play the slots using just a few nickels, you will not win big. The slot machine will keep on taking all of your money and leave you broke at the end of the night. My suggetion is to play the max bet or 9×5 lines. This will ensure your chances of getting a much higher pay out.

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Never play just a few nickels because you will never win big. People usually stand around me in the gambling casino watching me play. They think that I am on a hot machine every time that I sit down on a slot machine because I always win. I amaze the security because I keep on winning and they cannot touch me because I am not doing anything illegal or wrong. However, I have a blast when I go to the casino because I know how much I can afford to gamble. Remember that the max bet is the key to winning big at the casino. If you cannot afford the $500.00 a night, then I suggest that you save your money and have one night of pure fun and winnings.

I have won on all types of nickel machines. The slot machine creators know that this is the truth on winning on the slots and that is why they are beginning to change the maximum bid to a much higher max amount. A lot of the machines still have the 9×5 bid max, however they are beginning to get as high as 50×5 lines. You have to use common sense on how much you can afford to spend. However, know that the max will take you to the winnings.

The other great machines to play are the $1.00 machines. These machines can win you big bucks and also make you loose a lot money. I usually play the $1.00 machines at $3.00 per bet. Make sure that $2.00-$3.00 are the max bet. I have won $1,200.00 on these machines more than three times in one year. The secret here is to look for the machines that have a low max bet. There is no guarentee here on any of these machines paying any money out.

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Remember that max bet is the secret on winning on any slot machine. You do not just want to target the “hot machines” because the casino owners know that this is the machine that everyone will be pouring there money into because they see it winning so much. However, the hot machines are usually what I like to call the sucker machine because gambler after gambler will sit down on these machines and throw their money into them thinking that they will be the one who will win the next big jackpot on them. They are attention grabbers and they can be found anywhere in a casino. A good machine can be found anywhere on the casino floor. I have found them in the front of the casinos as well as the rear of the casino and in hidden corners. I have found winning machines everywhere. The casino world has changed over the years because casino owners know that books are written on slot machines and how to win on them. Some of them are written by the slot machine builders themselves. You will find that gambling in the casino can be fun if you know how to play them correctly.
