Signs of a Liar: Body Language and Lies, Part II

Wouldn’t you love to be able to recognize the signs of a liar? I’ve researched them extensively and assure you it’s a useful ability in any situation. Lies and the liars who tell them are usually easy to spot when you know what signs to look for. A liar betrays him/herself in any of a number of ways with verbal and body language. By watching for certain body language and by listening for specific spoken signs while a liar spins his/her web of lies, you’ll be wise to it in no time.

As a disclaimer, none of the verbal and body language signs discussed below are proof that lies are being told. Verbal and body language can provide signs that you’re dealing with a liar, but every listed quirk of verbal and body language also surface in other situations. However, if you suspect you’re being fed lies, one of these signs can bolster your doubt; if you’re already suspicious that you’re hearing lies and you notice two or more of these signs, you can be fairly confident that you’re interacting with a liar. Conversely, a lack of these tangible signs doesn’t mean lies aren’t being told. There is such a thing as a practiced or gifted liar who flawlessly conceals his/her lies.

Following is an overview of 10 of the most common 21 verbal and body language signs that lies are being told. In two articles, all 21 liar signs are covered (in no particular order).

#12 – Excessive gestures are important body language signs indicating lies. In a subconscious effort to enhance believability, a liar will promote his/her words with unnaturally pronounced gesturing. Also on a subconscious level, the body language serves to divert attention from the dishonest words and face.

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#13 – Body language signs indicating nervousness are key to detecting lies. A liar often fidgets. This includes drumming fingers, biting or picking at fingernails, biting lips, twirling hair, and picking at or adjusting clothing. There are too many signs to list, but any similar body language can be taken as signs of lies.

#14 – A liar frequently mumbles or speaks in a lowered, monotonous tone, especially at the exact time lies are being uttered. Such modulations in speech are primarily signs that either the liar lacks confidence that the lies are believable, or that the liar feels guilty about telling the lies. From a body language standpoint, these signs are often accompanied by a lowered head and slouching shoulders.

#15 – Shifting from foot to foot is often the body language of a liar. Similarly, a liar doesn’t always keep his/her feet flat on the ground (whether standing or sitting). This body language generally falls under signs of the “flight instinct” category, which stems from fear or discomfort–both emotions that are triggered by telling lies.

#16 – A liar usually tries to change the subject from whatever discussion is prompting his/her lies. Any conversational signs of this desire to move on before the subject is resolved of its own accord should make you wary of lies.

#17 – Similar to the previous entry, when you suspect lies, try changing the subject suddenly. Look for the suspected liar to have a noticeable, immediate change in overall body language. If the person’s body language becomes more relaxed and comfortable, you’ve just witnessed one of the most telling signs of a liar.

See also  Body Language: What You Don't Even Know You Are Saying

#18 – When you notice someone keeping their body somewhat askew, pointed away from you, it can be one of the body language signs that lies are being told. It’s debatable why a liar does this–it could be guilt, a flight instinct, facilitating a lack of eye contact, or any number of other subconscious body language workings.

#19 – A liar frequently interrupts his/her lies with throat clearing, small coughs, and/or sniffles.

#20 – Body language that almost seems to be trying to literally conceal lies is often just that. Most often, a liar will somehow cover his/her mouth and throat. This can mean touching these parts or holding something up in front of them. Such signs are among the more common and prominent. Touching other parts of the face with some frequency in any of a number of ways is also consistent with the behavior of a liar.

#21 – Finally, beware the person who uses (and particularly overuses) language like “honestly,” “believe me,” “to tell the truth,” etc. S/he is almost certainly being deceptive.