Rolfing Guide for Scoliosis Patients

Here is a Rolfing Guide for Scoliosis Patients who are considering using this method as part of your treatment. It is a list of things to be aware of and questions to ask before you make a final decision on the treatment and the Rolfing Therapist. For those of you who may not know, Rolfing is known as Structural Integration. It isn’t exactly a massage. In fact, it doesn’t even fall into the massage category. It is more a deep-tissue bodywork that can help increase your range of motion, reduce pain, give your body more freedom and lightness.

A person who has Scoliosis tends to suffer from headaches, insomnia, back pain, shallow breathing and sciatica which are all brought about by having an elongated musculature on one side of their bodies and a shortened musculature on the other side of their bodies. This is what causes the curvature of the spine.

Rolfing is used as a means to improve these conditions by realigning and lengthening the shortened connective tissue that wraps around the muscles. In other words, it de-rotates this connective tissue. This improves your posture and movement, which can help reduce or eliminate the headaches, back pain, shoulder and neck pain that is brought on by Scoliosis.

There are 10 sessions in a Rolfing treatment. Each session will last from 60 to 90 minutes, and each session will cost you about $100. Also, depending on who you talk to, the first few sessions of Rolfing can be either uncomfortable or painful, everyone reacts differently to the procedure, so make this a question to ask your Rolfing Therapist.

Here are some things the Rolfing Guide for Scoliosis Patients suggest you do when looking for a Rolfing Therapist.

1. You can look in your phone book under alternative health care provider for Rolfing Therapists.

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2. You can also ask an alternative health care provider for a referral.

3. Make sure that whoever you choose answers all your questions and you feel comfortable with them.

4. Also make sure the person you choose is a certified Rolfing Therapist and that they actually practice the Rolfing steps.

5. If at all possible, check out the office where your sessions will be held. You want to see if it is clean and professional looking or just a hole in the wall.

6. If you don’t like what you see, leave and search for another Therapist.

Once you have done all of this, and have come to a decision about which therapist to visit… there are some other things you may want to know before you set your appointment. If the client is a child, the first thing you want to know is:

Can Rolfing Be Done On Children
Generally, any child with Scoliosis can can have the procedure done. It doesn’t matter about the age. The difference is the length of the session. For adults it runs about an hour, with children the sessions would be less, but would depend on the individual. Ask the therapist.

How Much Does Rolfing Cost
The cost is about $100 for each session, but the price is less for children, check with the therapist.

Is The Procedure Going To Hurt
Rolfing can cause some discomfort or pain, but if it is causing too much discomfort or pain, then you should inform the therapist so they can change their technique, but still give you results.

Will The Rolfing Results Be Permanent
Even thought this is the desired outcome, it depends on a host of other conditions… such as your part in the process, if you’re willing to make changes, your age and the condition of your body from the outset. There are other conditions that would affect each individual that your therapist should be able to answer.

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What Happens In A Rolfing Session
Your therapist will evaluate you in a sitting position, a standing position and walking. This is done so they can see your body structure and the pattern of your movement. Then specific parts of your body will have pressure ranging from light to intense, applied by the therapist’s elbows and hands. This will be done while you are standing, sitting and laying on the massage table.

How Long Will The Session Take
It depends on what your Rolfing Therapist is trying to achieve in each session. Some sessions may be longer than one hour, and some may be less than an hour.

How Many Sessions Will I Need
Again it depends on what you are wanting to accomplish. Taking this into account, you could need only one session or all ten.

How Are My Sessions Spaced
This will depend on the individual, but normally one to two weeks is enough time for your body to adjust to the changes it’s going through.

Do I Have To Wear Anything Special
You should wear clothes that are loose, comfortable and easy to do bodywork in. Check with your Rolfing Therapist.

Is There A Time When Rolfing Is Not Advisable
Any medical conditions that will prevent you from having deep and intense pressure applied to certain parts of your body should be discussed with your doctor and Rolfing Therapist first.

If the decision is made that Rolfing is not for you, then you may want to discuss other scoliosis treatment options with your doctor. There are three treatments that you can consider:

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– Periodic observation to make sure your scoliosis isn’t increasing. This is only done with very mild cases of scoliosis.

– Orthopedic bracing is worn for 23 hours a day and is usually worn by people whose scoliosis curvature is only 30 to 40 degrees. However, the brace only stops further curvature, it doesn’t correct what is already done.

– Surgery is the last resort and is done by taking small pieces of the person’s pelvic bone and inserting them between the vertebrae. Then a metal rod is used to keep your spine straight until the bones inserted between the vertebrae fuse. Also, be prepared for the metal rod to remain, it’s very seldom removed.

If you’re looking for an alternative treatment for scoliosis, Rolfing may be your best bet. To some degree, Rolfing can benefit almost everyone. So research, don’t let the Rolfing Guide for Scoliosis Patients be your only guide. Discover for yourself what Rolfing has to offer you.

You can go to the Rolf Institute of Structural Integration website if you need to find a Certified Rolfing Therapist or if you want more information. You can also call the Rolf Institute at 1-800-530-8875.
