Scoliosis Facts Parents Should Know

Scoliosis diagnoses may sound like five alarm panic bells going off and sheer fear, however with the correct treatment children with this condition can have normal active lives.

Scoliosis is when the spine curves sideways which most of the time occurs during a growth spurt or just prior to puberty.

Dr. Daniel Green, pediatric orthopedic surgeon at the Hospital for Special Surgery in Manhattan, New York, states the curvature is not a cause for concern however, when it goes past a certain range medical attention is needed. Many cases are mild and periodic checkups may just be needed however, if the curve increases the child may need treatment.

Scoliosis seems to run in families. The most common type of scoliosis is idiopathic simply meaning the cause is undetermined. Studies have indicated that scoliosis is not from poor posture, using backpacks or any kinds of exercise. Girls are affected ten times greater than boys.

Scoliosis is usually first observed in a routine visit to the pediatrician or in school screenings. These screening in school are imperative safeguard for many children especially those who do not have a regular healthcare practitioner.

Scoliosis development is most of the times slow and painless. A curve in the spine can develop without the parent or child realizing it, until it becomes distinct. When viewed from behind a normal spine appears in a straight line from the base of neck down to tail bone.

Signs and symptoms may include:

Uneven shoulders

Uneven waist

One shoulder blade more noticeable than the other

One hip higher than the other

Ribs appear to stick out more on one side

Child appears to be leaning on one side more

Parents that notice any of these signs no matter how small, should have the child evaluated by a healthcare practitioner. If diagnosed early and treatment is given it will lead to a much better result.

Very seldom severe cases with a large curve range can cause back pain, exhaustion, hard time breathing and can affect heart and lungs.

Scoliosis diagnoses is based upon a physical examination and x-rays. Curvatures of more than 10 degrees appearing on a x-ray is diagnosed as scoliosis. Treatments are dependent on the child’s age, range of curve, how much the child will continue to grow. The goal is to slow down or prevent the progression of the curvature and improve how it looks.

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Dr. Green notes that patients who have smaller curves, continued observation may be recommended.

For more noticeable curves, bracing may be ordered to correct the condition. Some braces are worn all day and night long while others are worn just at nighttime while the child sleeps. After a short time period most children get use to the brace.

In more advanced cases of scoliosis meaning a curve of 45 degrees or more, surgery may be recommended. Scoliosis surgery is difficult and takes several hours. Parents who need to choose a surgeon and hospital, should make sure the surgeon specializes in this type of surgery and is highly experienced in the surgery. Both parents and children need to feel at ease with the doctor, and that they take time to answer any and all questions.

When the surgery is performed by an experienced surgeon, the operation usually gives excellent results in correction of the spine and noticeable improvement in spinal alignment. If condition is left untreated, a curve which continues to progress can eventually affect the heart and lungs. If done later in life the surgeries are longer and tend to have less satisfactory results.

Most conventional treatments usually dictate two options bracing and surgery. The fact about bracing is that will not cure or reverse the condition just help aide in slowing down the progression. Surgery also called spinal fusion will decrease the curve and prevent progression however, side effects include bleeding, infection, pain, nerve damage or failure that bone does not heal in which case another surgery is needed. Surgery will treat the symptoms but not the cause. It has been noted that several surgeries are required throughout life due to events such as broken pins and rods and re-correcting the curvature. Taking into consideration all of this information parents tend to seek out alternative treatments for their children.

Below are some noted alternative treatments used today.

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Chiropractic treatment with the use of spinal manipulation, electric stimulation and corrective exercises as directed by the chiropractor have been advocated in the treatment of idiopathic scoliosis. Chiropractic care can improve this condition.

Chiropractor will at first exam your spine and factors of your lifestyle. In order to identify the cause symptoms, previous injuries, family history, recreational activities and work activities are all taken into account. The Adams Forward Bending test is used, which is simply the patient bending forward at the waist while the spinal alignment is viewed.

Chiropractors if it is noted patient has scoliosis will measure the length of legs to see if there is any unevenness present, a range of motions tests can be conducted which measures the degree of which there is mobility present in the waist.

Regular continued visits to the chiropractor is recommended so they can keep track of progression of spine.

Bach Flower Remedies

Bach Flower Remedies are used for the emotional level of being diagnosed with the condition. They are not only used on patient but also family members as well. Some of the remedies which have been used include:

Mimulus for fear of what having scoliosis will mean for the future.

White Chestnut for fear of worrying for parents and children.

Larch especially used in teenagers and children with the fear and anxiety of being different.

Raindrop Technique

Around ten years ago Dr. Gary Young, ND., from the Young Living Research Clinic in Springville, Utah, had found that many persons with scoliosis endure a virus of the spine which causes the spine with an immense amount of pain become out of alignment. He had applied the raindrop technique on hundreds of persons with scoliosis have a realignment.

Dr. Young’s theory is that scoliosis is a virus or bacteria that stays dormant or active along the spine. The pathogens create inflammation which curves and disfigures the spine. As the virus increases more disturbance is caused to the bones and tissues.

The raindrop technique is manufactured by Young Living Essential Oils. It relieves tired muscles and pain for the person suffering the condition. It stimulates and reduces inflammation and is said to kill the viral agents involved. Oil is dropped down the spine in the following manner:

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Thymus vulgaris-thyme

Origanum campactum-oregano

Betula alleghaniensis-birch or wintergreen

Cupressus sempervirens-cypress

Metha piperita-peppermint

Ocimum basilicum-basil

Origanum majorana-marjoram

Aroma Siez

Ortho Ease

Valor oil

Do not blend together. Thyme is done by ten drops along the spine, with a feather type motion going from spine outward, from bottom of spine to the top. The rest of the oils are put on in a particular sequence. Hot moist towels are used on the spine for about twenty minutes to drive the oils into the spine. Then massage can be done. This treatment is also noted to be useful for back pain and colds and flu.

The kit provides 20 applications. For the first week treatment is done every other day. Second week, two applications are done. Then just as needed. If first diagnosed treatments are noted to work faster. If you have been suffering awhile it may take a few months. The cost noted is five dollars a treatment and kits come in twenty treatments which will cost $100.00 for the kit.

Amazon has the kit for sale at $133.00, Young Living Essential lists price at $117.76


There are two massage therapy techniques which can aide with scoliosis:

Cranial-Sacral Therapy which addresses restricted tissues around the spine. It aides in mobility and can bring some balance into the spine.

Deep Tissue Massage along with stretching techniques to aide muscles and improve circulation providing relief from muscular pain and additional symptoms.


Eastern medicine views scoliosis as congested energy and blood flow. Acupuncture unblocks the congestion along the spine letting sufficient amounts of blood to flow through the body relieving the pain greatly.Sources:

Scoliosis Raindrop Therapy

Integrative Health Care

Eastern Medical Center

A & L Chiropractic Center
