Review of the Total Gym

During my review of the fitness exercise machine the” Total Gym” I noticed the concept of the machine is a great idea which allows you to exercise quickly making the workouts less dreadful and keeping your heart rate up. With the Total Gym it’s entirely possible to get fit with daily use of only 10 minutes per day because the workouts are non-stop and you are not wasting any time messing with the equipment. I can easily go from a deltoid workout , to a workout on my traps ,to working out my triceps, to a great lat workout , to workout my hamstrings, to a nice calf workout, and then to my abs all without stopping. The switch to a bicep and pectoral workout only takes seconds making fitness easier than ever. So far the review is looking great for the total gym as it appears to be a top notch exercise machine geared towards total body fitness.

As a personal trainer I’m telling you that circuit training is THE BEST way to increase your fitness level. The only problem is that circuit training requires the ability to move from station to station quickly which means you need a lot of expensive equipment and plenty of room for it. With the total gym you only need one machine and don’t require much room at all to get the workouts you need in order to get the fitness you want and it also folds up to save space.

The down sides:

Now it’s time for the bad sides of this review. Folding the Total Gym up is difficult and the process alone may keep you from using the machine; if motivation is a problem for you, you may be best served with just leaving it out and not folding and unfolding it at all. If you do leave the Total Gym unfolded the machine is quite long and will take up a lot of room. For all the exercises it performs the Total Gym is still a great space value but if space is an issue this machine will leave you cramped. This machine is designed to tone up and lose weight so if you’re a body builder this machine won’t get you where you need to be. The basic version of the Total Gym (The Total Gym 2000) does only hold 250 lbs of weight so for the people in the population who exceed this weight you will need to upgrade to the more pricey and stronger versions such as the Total Gym 3000 which holds up to 300 lbs or the Total Gym XLS which holds up to 400 lbs. Another downside is that the standard version of the total gym (The Total Gym 2000) doesn’t come with a squat stand.

See also  Exercise Equipment for Home

Overall: If you are not a body builder, do not weigh over 400 lbs, and have a good seven feet of floor room then the Total Gym would be the best home exercise gym you could buy.