Review of M&M;’s Premiums Chocolate Candies

There is a new chocolate snack in the Kroger checkout isles- M&M;’s Premiums chocolate candies. The small box of M&M;’s Premiums will catch your eye immediately since its purple and pink colors stand out from the other packages on the shelf. However, is this small colorful package of gem like chocolate candies worth your money?

The new M&M;’s Premiums are purple and pink colored gems of triple layered chocolate. The Premium gem is unlike any other M&M; in that there is no crunchy candy coating on the outside for a shell. The entire M&M; Premium is soft and made of a layer each of dark chocolate, white chocolate and milk chocolate. Although I never tried it, I think that these M&M;’s Premiums will melt just as easily in your hand as your mouth.

The taste of the new M&M;’s Premium chocolate candies were exceptional. One piece was very satisfying. Instead of eating half a bag of regular M&M;’s to fulfill my chocolate craving, I could eat one or two pieces and be content. However, the package didn’t last long because everyone wanted to try them. Of course, everyone wanted a second piece! I highly recommend buying two boxes if you plan on sharing your first box with family, friends or coworkers.

One small package is an entire serving size. One serving size is only 180 calories, 11 grams of fat, 7 grams of saturated fat, 18 grams of sugars and only 25 milligrams of sodium. However, if one is truly diet conscious and thinks these numbers are too high, the numbers can be cut in half by eating only half of the box. The candy is good enough that you won’t miss the extra pieces. However, if you just can’t say no to good chocolate, you might want to share your box with someone.

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The 1.2 oz. package didn’t have a lot of pieces, but the quality makes up for quantity. However, the price of $1.59 for a small box of M&M;’s Premiums did seem a bit pricey when compared to more popular candy bars. I expect that the cost of M&M;’s Premiums will go down with time as the fan base grows and the company begins producing larger packages. I am not sure what stores are selling this candy but I bought mine at Krogers.

M&M;’s Premium chocolate candies are worth the price. After one taste you will think so too.