Top Six Candy Blogs: How Sweet It Is

One of the blissful things about childhood generations ago, is how much time we spent getting buzzed on candy. We walked to candy stores, or rode our bikes there and returned to sit on the lawn or porch steps to enjoy our chocolate or sugary treats. Sometimes it would be ritualized, there were certain methods to open your liquid candy drinks that were packaged in wax, or how to pour a pixie stick or remove button candy from the big strip of white flat paper. Maybe you liked your Charleston Chews frozen and cracked. Or you had to separate your m&m;’s by color. Candy was adventure and escape and it was a communal experience between kids. You could talk about your latest plans or school woes while you split a kit kat with your friend. And in your free time you would plan your next candy trip and calculate what your $1 allowance or leftover lunch money could buy. Candy was both economics and freedom to a child. These blogs will recapture your wonderful childhood memories, of candies you have long forgotten. They will explore the newest candies you probably never heard of. Candy is big business, and as adults we probably forget that. These 6 Candy blogs all offer something sweet and memorable. Enjoy.

Candy Addict

The author of candy addict consistently updates their blog with all things candy. It is an upbeat site and they refuse to write anything sad or depressing about candy because they believe candy should be fun. They believe candy should make you smile. The author says candy is not their whole life, but you might be fooled because the site is very passionate about every facet of candy eating, marketing, tasting and reviewing. Candy Addict recently had a massive candy give away and even decorated a van to promote the event. This blog takes a look at nostalgic candies, retro candies and describes their taste from Styrofoam tasting to a candy that goes through 5 stages of various kinds of taste and ends up tasting like a waffle cone. Candy Addict knows how to articulate flavors and taste experience better than most people. The site posts a google map marking the places of other candy addicts too. If you are fascinated by the power of candy and want to recollect childhood candy excitement, then Candy Addict is a must stop and savor candy blog where you will see the latest chocolate Xbox 360 controller or Hershey’s exclusive line of pumpkin and ghost chocolate kisses, so tiny and cute. Candy is explored in categories from gross candy, hard candy, hip-hop candy, caffeine candy, lollipops, Pez, weird candy, candy gadgets, candy news and much more.

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Slashfood has a Blog category for candy that discusses all things candy. The bloggers ponder the restaurant after dinner mint and why they aren’t the old fashioned dinner mints. Amusing comments on what Halloween candy comes from a cheap house. The blog discusses trends in artisan chocolates and recipes for making various candy delights. Slashfood includes news and pictures of weird candy products like beer flavored gummies, chili flavored candy, and people selling Apollo candy bars as seen on the TV show Lost. These candy blogs contain weird food news and sightings from a toilet themed restaurant with real toilets as chairs, a visit to the museum of burnt foods, and opinions about food eating contests and other offbeat candy and food stories. If you want to delve into the bizarre world of candy and wacky food, this is the place to stop for at least a few giggles and learning a thing or two on the way.

Accidental Hedonist

This blog explores the history of specific candies and who invented them. It delves into marketing as well as candy statistics. For example, 40 percent of the world’s almonds end up in chocolate candy. Accidental Hedonist covers the range of topics from trademarks with candy companies, to candy taste comparisons, to candy making recipes to organic chocolates. Whether you want to read about the history of candy canes or read about candy of various cultures, the Accidental Hedonist will satisfy your sweet tooth.

Topix Chocolate News

This is not so much a blog as it is a gathering of all news stories related to chocolate and candy. Form organic cocoa to new heart healthy candy to statistics about all things sweet. It links to a chocolate forum where users discuss everything from the new Kit Kat bar to gourmet fudge to milkshakes to baking chocolate. Everyone has an opinion about what tastes better and when someone discovers a new candy in the store, they let the world know here.

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Moko Wants Candy

Read about the candy Moko hates and loves. Calculate your age based on chocolate years. Read about gum, sugar cubes dipped in pear sauce and hot Mexican bananas dipped in chocolate. You will step into Moko’s mind with the thought processes of evaluating candy and why he hates it or loves it. Moko has a sense of humor and it shows with such commentary as “Sugarfree Mentos – These things are horrible. They taste like Mentos with a shot of Diet Coke – the worst drink on the planet.” What is the best candy to eat while you are solving a puzzle? Moko will let you know. So, bring on the candy and read about the sweet and not so sweet.

Chocolate Obsession

William is a software developer by night and an unpaid chocolate analyst most other times. William loves chocolate. The Chocolate Obsession blog exists for anyone who likes to read chocolate news, reviews and recipes of anything fun and chocolatey. See Williams chocolate lollipops on a stick. William adores truffles with and without liqueur. From the sweet salty taste of chocolate pretzel sticks or reading about the latest German Ritter Sport with rum , raisins and hazelnuts, to the exotic Vosages Black purl which is made of ginger and wasabi and black sesame seeds covered in dark chocolate, William will give you the skinny and not so skinny on the candy that catches his eye and tongue.
