Review of Carmen Electra’s Striptease Aerobics

Women of all ages are always looking for a new way to get slimmer and get toned. This is especially true as we enter into the warmer months of the year. If this year bathing suit season is getting you down, you may want to try this workout first. Carmen Electra along with fitness expert, Michael Carson, and wide-known choreographer Robin Antin have put together an amazing aerobics series. This workout uses sexy dance moves along with some slightly provocative striptease moves to get your heart rate up and your body toned.

Okay, I will admit, I was hesitant about buying these DVDs. Honestly, how many times have you purchased a workout video thinking it would be a good investment and it will help you get in shape only to find out that it kind of stinks? I rented the DVDs first to try this new wave of striptease workouts before I spent any more money on useless entertainment. I loved the first one so much that I went out and bought the whole set! And, after a 5-day stretch of the same video workout, I had to take the sixth day off due to the soreness my body was feeling!

In the first video titled Aerobic Striptease, Carmen Electra puts together a low impact workout that focuses on toning your hips, buns, thighs, and abs. She uses the striptease basics combined with workout moves and dance routines. This is the first DVD in the series and also the easiest. Disc two, Fit To Strip; with the help of Michael Carson, you go through an intense total-body routine that focuses on strengthening and toning. This workout also includes various mini-workouts to target problem areas. Fit To Strip will whip you into shape! Disc three, Advanced Aerobic Striptease; combines the routines you learned in the first two discs with some sexy costumes and role-play scenarios.

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Carmen even introduces the lap dance in this volume! For those of you also looking to spice up your personal life, you will want to move on to disc four, The Lap Dance. This workout is designed to teach you how to give a lap dance while toning and adding more technical moves to your growing knowledge. If you aren’t as into the lap dance, you can skip that one and forge ahead to Hip Hop, disc five. Carmen Electra will give you an aerobic boost with this workout designed to combine fun hip hop moves with the toning needed to get a dancer’s body.

There are other perks about these aerobics series. First, you can pick your own music! In the setup screen of the DVD, you can pick the genre of music you prefer. Then at any time during your workout, you can change the music track to fit what you like! That’s an awesome feature because the music for aerobic workouts usually isn’t what you would want to work out to. Another great feature is that you can program your own workouts! Now, after you learn the routines, you won’t have to suffer through learning them all over again every time you do the workout. Instead you can tell the DVD what you want to do and in what order.
In conclusion, every woman should try this workout.

You don’t even realize you are working out because you are having so much fun dancing. On top of the physical benefits to these workouts, you will boost your confidence and self-esteem. Now you can learn how to be sexy while getting in shape. This is a workout that you would want your significant other watch you do! Think about it, you can work out, get in shape, shed some of the winter pounds and turn someone on all at once. So, what are you waiting for? Go get one or all of the DVDs and get stripping!

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