Heavy Bag Workouts for Fitness at Home

Working out with a heavy bag is one of the best full-body workouts you can engage in. Besides the fitness benefits, a heavy bag workout routine can develop skills that might come in handy. But even if you have no interest in the finer points of boxing technique, using a punching bag is a challenging aerobic workout that also has a substantial strength component to it.

When designing a punching bag routine, the first thing to consider is intensity. Non-stop punching is physically taxing; it’s best to break your workout into rounds. Boxers use three minute rounds with a minute of rest in between. Interval training routines of this type are perfect for home workouts because they allow you to keep your intensity up while still setting your own pace.

Boxing Safety Equipment

Everyone who is going to spend time punching a heavy bag needs to use boxing hand wraps. Neglecting to wrap the hands for a boxing workout is risky; punching a heavy bag can result in repetitive stress injuries or acute injuries. Beginners are advised to take it slow until their hands and wrists adapt to the stress of this sort of high-impact exercise program.

Boxing gloves are also important. Lots of people use light bag gloves when striking the bag, but a pair of inexpensive boxing gloves will allow you to hit the bag harder without fear of bruising your knuckles. The weight of a pair of boxing gloves also adds some resistance to the punches. Gloves keep you safe and give you a good workout.

Heavy Bag Technique

Hitting the heavy bag can be a frustrating experience for new boxers. If possible, get some instruction from a boxing trainer, or watch videos or DVDs such as those produced by Title Boxing or Ringside to learn the fundamentals of good punching technique. Always keep your balance and try to develop power by rotating your torso and shifting your weight slightly from leg to leg. If you rely on arm strength to increase your punching power, your workout will lack longevity. Core strength and powerful legs are more important than big biceps.

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How to Hang a Heavy Bag

Hanging a punching bag is simple, if you have the room for it. You should have at least five feet of space all around the bag. Ideally, the bag’s label should be hanging at eye level. If it is too low, your workout will be less effective. If it is too high, the bag will be harder and you may experience some pain in the hands when punching.

How to Choose a Punching Bag

A general rule of thumb is that the bag should be approximately half your body weight. If it is too light, it will jump around when you punch it, making it difficult to practice combinations. A bag that’s too heavy will be hard on your hands and joints.

If space is no problem, a traditional heavy bag is a perfect piece of work out equipment. But if you can’t hang the bag from a rafter or ceiling beam, you may need to invest in a heavy bag stand. Failing that, there are free-standing punching bags, like the Century wavemaster bag, that take up much less space than a normal heavybag.. If you know how to hang a heavy bag and you have the space for it, there is little reason to use a free-standing heavy bag.

Another consideration is the material that the bag is made from. Leather punching bags last longer, but are more expensive. Most people who are interested in home fitness will do fine with a less-expensive bag. A bag with a D-ring on the bottom is nice if you are working out alone.