Red Bell Peppers and Their Health Benefits

Many people enjoy eating green bell peppers, but the red bell peppers have a bit more nutritional value to them. In addition, red bell peppers have a sweeter crisp taste that goes good in any meal. I am not saying green peppers have no nutritional value because they do, but what I am saying is red bell peppers should be added to the diet as well since they contain many potent nutrients in them that help benefit our health.

Appearance, Shape, Texture and Flavor of Red Bell Peppers

Surprisingly red bell peppers are botanically fruits, but we know them as vegetables. Red bell peppers are deep bright red in color with a green thick stem on top with a core inside that has loads of little seeds inside. These peppers are about the size of soft balls but can be a lot smaller depending on how long they are left to grow. Red bell peppers also have a sweet taste and a crispy texture to them with smooth skins.

Home of the Red Bell Pepper

Red bell peppers are natural to South and Central America and Mexico, but you can find them growing all over the world now in North America, Europe and China. In fact, China is the main country that produces and distributes the most bell peppers around the world now.

Harvesting Red Bell Peppers

Red peppers are harvested when they have reached their full growth and deep bright red color because this is when they have the most flavor and nutritional value. However, red peppers can be harvested at any size to chop up and toss in a delicious meal. The way the red peppers are harvested is by gently snapping the peppers off the pepper plant they grow on and placing them into a basket to take inside and store away in the refrigerator until they are ready to be used. However, freshly pick red peppers should be used as soon as possible because the potent nutrients in them begins to break down fast, but if the peppers are stored properly in the refrigerator they can stay fresh for up to a week.

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Nutrient Content in Red Bell Peppers

  • Vitamins C, A, E, K and B complex
  • Potassium
  • Fiber
  • Copper
  • Manganese
  • Molybdenum
  • Phytonutrients
  • Healthy Fat

Health Benefits of Red Bell Peppers

Red bell peppers are healthy to add to a daily diet because they contain Phytonutrients which content powerful antioxidants in them that help fight off free radical cells that cause cancers in the body. Some of the different types of cancers red bell peppers can help prevent are stomach, colon, breast and prostate. Snacking on red bell peppers at lunch time can help treat and prevent inflammation in the body as well as eye disease. Those who are feeling overwhelmed by stress and becoming fatigued can help treat these feeling and feel more energized by simply snacking on a red bell pepper. Now I know this might not sound appetizing, but you can slice the pepper up and dip it in some vegetable dip for healthy snack. Now if you’re trying to prevent heart and liver disease add some fresh red peppers to a meal you’re making such as chicken fajitas or a classic sweet and sour stir fry. I personally eat red bell peppers almost every day to help relieve the inflammation in my body caused by my autoimmune disease and it does seem to help a lot. If you’re looking for a natural beauty supplement have some slices of red peppers with a leafy green salad, Red peppers contain loads of vitamins such as C, E and A which are excellent for keeping the skin healthy, youthful and glowing naturally.

Precautions with Red Bell Peppers

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There aren’t many precautions to take when eating red bell peppers, but some people do have allergies to them. When storing bell peppers, make sure the peppers are stored away from meats and properly cleansed before eating with water. This will help make sure you do not become ill with a bad batch of bacteria that could have excellent got on the peppers during handling. Otherwise, eat those red bell peppers right up to get the amazing health benefits from them.
