Top Ten Diet Fads of the Last Decade

Top 10 Diet Fads of the Decade

I am sure everyone will have differing opinions on which diets to write about. These are the 10 diets I chose to discuss;

The Atkins Diet

The Zone Diet

The South Beach Diet

Jenny Craig


Cabbage Soup Diet

Green Tea Diet

Mediterranean Diet

Slim Fast

Personality Type Diet

The Atkins Diet

The Atkins Diet is based on eating lots of protein and fat, but few carbohydrates. It drew raves and concerns, but people do lose weight on the diet. By eating all that protein and fat, somehow, the body is tricked into burning its own fat. People claim not to be hungry while on this diet. This may be why it is so popular. Not being hungry while on a diet is a big plus.

On the downside, and it’s a big one, you are eating relatively few fruits and vegetables so the body is not getting the nutrients it needs and a person is not eating a healthy, balanced diet. One must wonder what the long term effect will be on a person’s body and should be monitored by a physician while on this diet.

The entire diet and information can be found on the website. There are recipes and cookbooks available as well. My husband and I tried this approach for about a week. He loved it. I hated it. He is a meat eater and I don’t care for it much, so obviously, I was destined to fail. He did lose a few pounds, but I was more concerned about the amount of fat he was eating and took us off the program. As a registered nurse, I just don’t see how eating like this can be healthy.

The Zone Diet

The Zone Diet advocates eating calories in percentages. 40% from carbohydrates, 30% from protein, and 30% from fats. The Zone refers to a proper hormone balance in the body where insulin is kept at a normal level and sugar levels stay low, then an anti-inflammatory chemical is released that is heart and health friendly.

This allows the body to be in caloric balance as will and it will not need to store fat. It will begin to burn the stored fat as energy, resulting in weight loss.

This is a controversial diet. The American Heart Association does not recommend it due to the high protein intake, lack of essential nutrients, and little info on long-term effects. It has some reputed Hollywood followers such as Tom Cruise, Tiger Woods, and Charlie Sheen.

Barry Sears is the biochemist who came up with the diet and he has written several books including: The Zone: A Dietary Road Map, Mastering the Zone, The Anti-Aging Zone, and The Soy Zone.

The South Beach Diet

The South Beach Diet was started by a cardiologist, Dr. Arthur Agatston, out of Florida, thus the name.

The diet is based on good carbohydrates that are high in fiber or high in good fats. It also utilizes the glycemic index, and emphasizes a permanent change in the way a person eats. It is an easy and flexible plan and offers a variety of foods. Eating whole grains and large amounts of vegetables along with foods high in Omega-3 fatty acids such as fish are the basis of the diet.

Discouraged is the eating of overly processed foods, high-fat foods and saturated fats. There is no calorie counting involved or limited servings. They do recommend eating six smaller meals a day versus the three larger meals.

See also  Gourmet Cabbage Soup Diet

It is a healthy way to eat and since it doesn’t really omit any food, should be a way to eat that can be done for the rest of a person’s life.

I did buy the book a few years back, but was at a point where all I did was read it. Perhaps now would be a good time for me to find it and open it up again, since my interest in eating healthy is at an all time high.

Jenny Craig

Jenny Craig was started by a husband and wife team in Australia in 1983. They started their US operations in 1985.

Their program combines nutrition, physical activity and counseling to help people change their eating habits and lifestyles. The goal is so that once the person loses the weight, they will be able to maintain it without the company’s pre-packaged meals, planned menus, or the consultants.

Valerie Bertinelli is the current spokeswoman for the company. Kirstie Alley was a former spokesperson. Valerie has had remarkable results as did Kirstie. Hopefully, Valerie will be able to keep her weight off.

I personally tried the food back when they first opened in 1986. I hated it. It tasted awful with tiny portions and there was no way I was going to stick with that. Hopefully, they have improved the flavor of the product or they probably would not have succeeded as well as they have.

From my personal experience, I do know they take a blood and urine sample before you start the program and monitor you throughout, which I think is a good idea.


Nutrisystem sells prepackaged, portion-controlled meal plans via the internet, and HSN, and the food is delivered right to your doorstep. They have plans for women, men, diabetics, vegetarians, and elderly people.

Nutrisystem concentrates its foods on the low glycemic carbohydrates and low fat plan. All a person need do is supply fresh fruit, veggies, and dairy products. Everything else is supplied for you.

They have a good selection of food the tastes pretty good. This is from personal experience. I tried the program in 2006 and lost over 20 pounds in a couple of months. There is enough variety that if you don’t like something you should be able to find something to your liking within the same category. They also recommend eating six small meals a day. This way a person is not starving while on a diet. The pre-packaged portions teach you what a true portion should be, not the restaurant whoppers we have come to expect.

Honestly, for a busy person, or lazy, like myself, who just doesn’t want to count calories, or worry about portion size or what to buy, Nutrisystem was a great diet. It tasted good, was convenient, and best of all, it worked.

Cabbage Soup Diet

The Cabbage Soup Diet is one of those diets that just won’t go away. It’s a true fad diet. It’s radical and designed for short-term use only.

The typical claim is that you can lose 10 pounds in one week just by eating only this special soup. It has other veggies in it other than cabbage, but it’s mostly cabbage and water with some spices thrown in for flavor.

Truth be told, you are not losing fat on this diet, you are losing water and my guess, lots of gas. Once you start eating food again, that weight will come right back, so you put yourself and everyone within smelling distance through this torture for nothing.

See also  Does the Cabbage Soup Diet Work?

But, since it keeps rearing its ugly head, pun intended, it had to be included as one of the diets of the decade. It will probably be around in the next decade as well.

This is one diet I have not, nor will I ever try.

The Green Tea Diet

Green tea is reported to be packed with health benefits and also that it burns fat and helps boost your metabolism.

Green tea contains high amounts of polyphenols which activate the enzyme responsible for dissolving extra triglycerides in the body. In the long run, this can result in weight loss.

Another substance in green tea, EGCG, stimulates metabolism and accelerates weight loss. EGCC along with the caffeine present in the green tea stimulates the central nervous system and causes fat to be released into the blood stream for the body to use as fuel. This provides energy, helps shed excess water and burns body fat in a process called thermo genesis.

This is a claim that sellers of green tea make. There is no doubt of the health benefits of green tea, but I have yet to meet a real person who has lost a significant amount of weight using just the green tea alone. There has to be a reduction in calorie intake for any weight loss to take place and exercising will help burn extra calories, tone muscles, and keep you fit.

This is just another fad diet that people will make money from, but we gullible people will continue to be disappointed in because it alone will not help us lose weight. We still have to cut calories. There is no other way.

Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean Diet is so called because it is nutritionally based on the diets of those living in that area. It was first noted in 1945, but did not gain widespread attention until the 1990’s.

It is based on high olive oil consumption, eating lots of legumes, unrefined cereals, fruits, vegetables, moderate consumption of dairy products, mostly cheese and yogurt, fish, and less amounts of meat, and moderate intake of red wine.

Carbs, wine, fresh fruits, cheese, veggies. Sounds like a diet from heaven. Imagine. Taking a crusty piece of warm, wheat bread and dipping it into some flavored olive oil. My mouth just waters at the thought. Wash it down with a sip of good, red wine. Pick up some good ripe cheese; put a little fresh fruit on top and heaven in your mouth.

Salads, dressed simply in vinaigrette, followed by fish, more bread, or pasta tossed with a primavera sauce.

Oh yeah, I could do this diet.

There are many books out on this way of living, cookbooks galore. I have one. I have changed my lifestyle somewhat, based on this diet. The only oils I have in my cupboard now are canola and olive oil. I have whole wheat pasta’s and breads. I try to eat more cheese and fruit as dessert. While not a huge fish fan, I force myself to eat some at least once a week, usually salmon, so it’s high in those Omega-3’s that are so important. Even my husband has started to come around. Any time you can dip bread in oil and eat it…well, he’s in.

See also  Top 10 Fad Diets for Weight Loss

Seriously, though, this diet is very heart healthy despite the increase in fat. It is the “good” kind of fat and studies have shown an up to 70% reduction in mortality rate in heart attack survivors if they follow this kind of diet. Those are darn good numbers. We all should eat like this.

Slim Fast

Oh, what to say about Slim Fast? Have I tried it? Yes. Did it work? No. It is a high sugar, good tasting meal replacement in a can. It comes in chocolate, several varieties, strawberry, vanilla, and other flavors. You are supposed to drink two cans a day to replace two meals, and then eat a sensible dinner. This is usually where I had problems. That third sensible meal. I was usually so hungry by the time that meal rolled around that in no way, shape, or form did it resemble sensible. This is also another diet where I have never met anyone who has actually lost any weight from using this product, but it is still around. I will admit to still buying it from time to time because it does make a good quick breakfast replacement when I don’t have time, as for losing weight, I never lost a pound with Slim Fast.

They have expanded their line from shakes to include bars and snacks, and packaged meals. The bars and snacks are all very tasty. They are sweet and chewy, full of sugar. Yum. Not a healthy plan at all. I am still waiting for someone to walk up and say, “I lost weight and kept it off with Slim Fast.”

Personality Type Diet

Dr. Robert Kushner is an expert in the weight loss field. He started a program that is designed around someone’s personality. To begin, one fills out a 70 question survey. By the end of this you will be placed into one of three categories: An Eating personality, an Exercise personality, of a Coping personality. Based on that, a plan is then designed for you using real food. Even fast food options are given.

It does encourage an exercise program and a permanent change in eating behavior.

Drawbacks are that it is an online program and it costs money to join. Figured at the price quoted, it should cost around $120.00 a year for the internet program. This includes recipes, online support, and the meal plans.

Dr. Kushner has written several books on the subject of weight loss. One is called, Personality type Diet.

The diet also could be described as almost vegetarian. The focus is on vegetarian dishes, but fish and poultry are allowed. Lean red meat is ok, but not encouraged. If you are a big met eater, this may not be the diet program for you.

I hope you have learned a little something from my list of my top ten diets for the decade. I know I sure did. Mostly it was that I hate diets. But eating healthy is a must and there are some great ways to do it out there. Just finding the one that fits well with your lifestyle and sticking with it are the most important lessons that I learned. Thanks for reading.