Reasons to Subscribe to the Eat Better America Magazine Online

Many people are keen to make healthier lifestyle changes that include quitting smoking, cutting back on alcohol, exercising on a more regular basis and eating more healthily. But when it comes to changing eating habits, more is involved than just wanting to change your eating habits by eating a more healthy diet. Even with the best of intentions, many people simply do not know how to cook healthier meals and so they shy away from doing so. A free online resource that I came across and now subscribe to is Eat Better America™ , a magazine full of useful tips and suggestions on how to cook meals that are better for you.

The web site is clearly set up and is easy to navigate. I like the “main categories” section. It lists 7 categories: breakfast and brunch, drinks, desserts, breads, sides, dinners, appetizers and snacks. So if you are planning a dinner party for friends or family, you might want to browse through these categories and pick out meal options.

The side dishes category alone has 66 pages of recipes. Some of the recipes have been tried and tested and have a rating, which is often useful to read about when you have not made a particular recipe before. Along with a rating and comment option, each recipe has a clear photo of what the dish should look like, which may or may not be useful for you. There is also a health tip about extra ingredients you might want to use and the health benefits of these suggested ingredients. Each recipe mentions how long it will take to prepare from start to finish and how many servings the recipe will yield. Portion sizes can be very difficult to work out for cooks who are not familiar with this, so this is a feature that might appeal to you. Towards the bottom of the recipe, you will notice the nutritional content of the recipe you have chosen. It lists the nutritional value per individual serving, which will need to be multiplied if you want to find out the nutritional value of the entire recipe.

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A feature that I like about the Eat Better America™ web site is the diet and nutrition part of the site. Some of the features of this section deal with how to cook meals for diabetics, weight management purposes and meals that are heart healthy. If you would like personal 1-1 advice about a particular health issue, then you can send in your question and an expert from Eat Better America™ will respond to your query.

If you sign up to Eat Better America™ , you will receive newsletters on a regular basis sent to your e-mail box and you will have the opportunity to try new healthier meal options to mix and match with your particular dietary needs.
