Hot Peppers Are Healthy and Can Heal You

For years I watched my dad eat hot peppers, one right after another. Sometimes he would appear to be in extreme pain. Sweat settled under his eyes after each bite he took. He would always comment, “that was a good one”. He ate a variety of peppers, ones that he and my mom grew in their garden; jalapenos, cayenne, hot banana and always new varieties they had to try every year.

It really didn’t matter as long as he was eating one. I thought it was foolish to eat a hot pepper so hot that it would burn your mouth. But I was wrong, it was a ‘good’ thing. Capsaicin, the main heat ingredient in hot peppers has health and healing compounds. Many studies have proven this. My Dad is very healthy today and in his 70’s.

The following is a list of some of the benefits of Capsaicin in hot peppers :
1. It can lower your blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure, start eating hot peppers. My Dad has really good blood pressure.
2. It can make your heart be healthy. It curbs your appetite and helps you lose weight.. My Dad has a healthy heart.
3. It can help you not have a heart attack or stroke. It helps stop blood clots.
4. It can help stop pain. My family has tried muscle cream with capsaicin. It really works!
5. It can help stop ulcers. I need to start eating hot peppers. Lots and lots of peppers.
6. Peppers have lots of Vitamins A, C, and K.
7. Hot peppers increases oxygen in your body.

See also  Can Hot Chili Peppers Help You Lose Weight?

The following is a list of Scoville ratings for peppers. The Scoville scale is a measure of “hotness.” The number of Scoville heat units indicates the amount of capsaicin present. The higher the units, the hotter the pepper. The hotter the pepper, the better it is for you.

Type of pepper
Bell pepper 0-no heat
Pimento 100-500
Pepperoncini 100-500
Tabasco Sauce (Sweet & Spicy) 100-500
Tabasco Sauce (Green Pepper) 600-800
Poblano Pepper 1,000-1,500
Texas Pete Sauce 1,000-1,500
Rocotillo Pepper 1,500-2,500
Tabasco Sauce (Tabasco Pepper) 2,500-5,000
New Mexico Peppers 4,500-5,000
Jalapeno Pepper 2,500-8,000
Wax Pepper 5,000-10,000
Tabasco Sauce (Habanero) 7,000-8,000
Serrano Pepper 10,000-23,000
Cayenne Pepper 30,000-50,000
Aji Pepper 30,000-50,000
Tabasco Pepper 30.000-50,000
Thai Pepper 50,000-100,000
Malagueta Pepper 50,000-100,000
Chiltepin Pepper 50,000-100,000
Pequin Pepper 50,000-100,000
Rocoto 100,000-200,000
Jamaican Hot Pepper 100,000-200,000
African Birdseye 100,000-200,000
Habanero Chile 100,000-350,000
Scotch Bonnet 100,000-350,000
Red Savina Habanero 350,000-577,000
Naga Jolokia 855,000-1,041,427
Standard US grade pepper spray 2,000,000-5,300,000
Nordihydrocapsaicin 9,100,000
Pure Capsaicin 15,000,000-17,000,000

There are many benefits from eating hot peppers. I have listed seven of these. They are good for your health and help your body to heal. Many studies have showed this. My Dad has eaten hot peppers all his life and is very healthy. So take a chance and eat one today. You have nothing to lose and your health to gain.
