Razor Bumps? Irritated Skin? Ingrown Hair?

Have you ever had a razor burn that caused bumps on your face or neck? Also common are ingrown hairs which keep growing even though they’re underneath the skin!

I have a sure fire (maybe) answer to the problem. Everyone’s skin is different but I think you’ll want to give this a try. The first thing you might be tempted to do is use tweezers to get these hairs out or various over the counter products for the bumps. Using tweezers is a mistake. It damages the skin. Keep reading and you’ll find what does work.

You’ll need a few items all of which can be bought at www.drugstore.com. You can find everything but Tend Skin at CVS or Walgreen’s as well.

1. Tend Skin Lotion is a product I found out about from my son-in-law who swears by this product. I’ve used it on the bumps in the bikini area caused by using a razor on that hair. It can be used even if you wax or use electrolysis but if you are allergic to Aspirin don’t use Tend Skin Lotion. Tend Skin comes in 4-ounce bottles and 8-ounce bottles. You’ll pay from $20.00 to $35.00 for Tend Skin Liquid. Animals were not tested on to make Tend Skin Liquid.

2. You’ll need a loofah. “The Luffa or Loofah/Lufah (from Arabic áæÝ) are tropical and subtropical vines comprising the genus Luffa. The fruit of at least two species, Luffa acutangula and Luffa aegyptiaca, is grown to be harvested before maturity and eaten as a vegetable, popular in Asia and Africa. A Luffa or Loofah sponge is used like a body scrub. Both the coarse textured sponge and the soft textured sponge are called Luffas or Loofahs” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luffa. I use the Buf-Puf Facial Sponge which can be bought at drugstore.com for $4.99.

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3. I have also found that the brand Aveeno for my shaving cream is very good for soothing the bumpy areas and has worked the best of all the other types of products I’ve used. Aveeno Shave Lotion will cost you less than $4.00 for 7 ounces.

4. You’ll need cotton squares. I buy the Rite Aid brand at www.drugstore.com and get 160 squares for $2.79.

5. There are so many razors on the market. I don’t have a problem with what kind I use. They all seem the same to me. My son-in-law has used the Schick Tracer, Gillette Sensor, Gillette Sensor Excel, Mach3, Mach3 Turbo and the Fusion. He likes the Mach3 Turbo the best. You’ll find the razor and 2 cartridges for $8.99. If you shave everyday you might like the Gillette Fusion better. Use a fresh blade each time. Using a dull blade will irritate your skin.

Now that you know what you need this is the process:

Scrub the area you are shaving with the loofah or Buf-Puff Facial Sponge while in the shower. Do this without soap after washing your face, neck or whatever area you are shaving. This exfoliates (removes the dead skin) and frees some of the trapped ingrown hairs.

Before applying the shaving cream rinse your face or whatever area you are shaving with warm/hot water. This helps to open up the pours and loosen the whiskers. Then apply the shaving cream all over and let it stand for 15-30 seconds before starting to shave. The shaving cream will soften up the hairs.

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After shaving dry the shaved area completely open the Tend Skin Lotion and pour a little on a cotton square. Pour enough so that there is a wet spot about the size of a quarter on the square. I find that the cotton squares work better than cotton balls. Wipe the cotton square against the affected area of the shaved area. Add more Tend Skin to the square depending on the size of the area you shaved. This will sting a little but after a month or so when your bumps have healed this process won’t sting every time you do it unless you cut yourself.

More tips:

After you get the products do the following:

Try not to shave your neck area or whatever irritated area you are concerned about for 2 or 3 days. However, apply Tend Skin Lotion as I directed above twice a day – in the morning and in the evening. This will help start the healing of the skin and free ingrown hairs.

On the 2nd or 3rd day follow my instructions for using the loofah and how to shave. Continue to use the Tend Skin twice a day.

Try to go another 2 days without shaving the neck area. I say neck area because for many men this is the most problematic area – for women it is the bikini area. Every time you shave you create tiny cuts that can get infected and irritated. If you shave less often and use the tend skin more often it will give your neck a chance to heal and for some of the ingrown hairs to get free.

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After you have given your face a break for about a week by only shaving your neck every 2-3 days you can go back to your normal shaving schedule. Remember to follow my steps regarding using the loofah, wetting the neck really well with warm to hot water before applying shaving cream; and using Tend Skin afterwards.

If you follow these instructions you should be good as new in about a month!

I have no financial interest, do not work for or know anyone who works for Tend Skin.