Product Review: The Philips Spectra 8825 XL Electric Shaver

A true customer review of the Philips Spectra 8825 XL Electric Shaver. The shaver that has finally provided me with enough reason to switch from the old manual razor of yesterday and into the smooth clean shaven world of today

What an excellent shaver this has turned out to be, I must admit that I have never been a big fan of the electric shaver, that being said I am not a big fan of nicks, cuts and razor bumps either.

What finally sent me to the world of the electric shaver for good was the price for the Schick Quatro disposable heads. They are about $2.00 a piece, couple that with the huge problem of getting the hairs out of the blade during your shave and it was all i could take. I’d be beating the Schick Quatro razor up against the side of the sink trying to remove the little hairs that were clogging it up. Just wasn’t worth the effort. In the long run the cost either.

For the record, I have a fairly thick, bristly beard and an angular face and neck. To complicate things, the hairs on my neck grow very flat and pose a challenge to any electric shaver. This may be more information than you wanted but it makes a big difference when shaving.

I also have a mole that is in a dangerous location on my neck. I try my best to be careful when shaving around it but I end up nicking it about 1/4 of the time. It’s in such a bad location that it can’t really be avoided. Problem Solved with the Philips Spectra 8825 XL Electric Shaver. Haven’t had any trouble with it since I’ve owned this shaver.

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I received the Spectra for Christmas from the wife and have been extremely satisfied so far. It has exceeded my every expectation. It has easily out dueled every other electric shaver I have ever owned.

The noise and vibration levels are so quiet that it is hard to believe it’s on. It is quiet compared to old Norelco’s and very quiet compared to the Braun. I have an electric toothbrush and this thing is a whisper in the wind compared to the noise my toothbrush makes. I can go into the bathroom and shave while the Mrs. sleeps and not disturb her at all. This is with the door open mind you, and she is the lightest sleeper I have ever met.

The Spectra has a unique little comfort dial that essentially sets the spring tension in the head. This is what sets this electric shaver apart from all the others I have tried in the past. I adjust the dial to between normal and sensitive, depending on what part of my face I’m working on. Even on the normal setting, the comfort level is far beyond anything I’ve ever experienced.

The shave closeness is also unmatched in any other electric shaver I have ever used It’s still not as close as a blade can get but my face is in much better shape. I’m able to reach all the tricky spots around my chin and Adam’s apple, and that bothersome mole of mine too.
. All of this without any skin irritation or heat buildup that you get with some electric razor’s like the Braun that I used to use.

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Like most other Norelcos (unlike the Braun) most of the trimmings stay in the shaver’s head. The blades can be removed for detailed cleaning and the whole head can be rinsed under the faucet. This is particularly nice when I look back on all the problems cleaning posed for me in the past with both the Braun and the Norelco that I had.

I do find that I have to shave more often than I did when I used my Schick Quatro, but I suppose that is the same with any electric shaver. You will never get quite as close a shave, but not cutting your face up seems like a pretty fair trade off to me.

The Price of the Philips Spectra 8825 XL Electric Shaver is a little frightening at first but with the replaceable shaving heads that are fairly inexpensive to buy I feel like it will eventually even out. Having to not buy the Schick Quatro $2.00 a piece disposable heads that I get 2 shaves out of makes this a no brainer.

My only real complaint isn’t even really a complaint more of a critical observation, is that the battery doesn’t hold a charge for as long as I think it should, or as long as the old Braun used to. I’ll live with it though because this shaver is worth every penny you pay for it.

Rodney E. Reed