Protein-Shake Alternatives: Milk, Juices and Whole Foods

If you do any type of bodybuilding, then you know that protein is very essential to helping your muscles grow bigger. You know the best way to get your supply of protein is by taking protein shakes. But what if you are the type that can’t stomach the protein shakes? What choices do you have if you still want to get that quick protein intake. In this article, I want to give you other choices that you can use for your protein consumption needs.


If you cannot stand protein shakes, one of your best substitutes is going to be whole milk. Whole milk is one of the best sources of protein for a natural bodybuilder, but it is also one of the most overlooked. Milk has about 6 grams of protein per 8 oz glass. The pros to drinking milk instead of protein shakes is milk doesn’t have to be prepared. All you have to do is pour and drink. The cons about substituting milk for protein shakes is that you have to drink a lot of milk to equal the amount of grams of protein that comes in a shake. Protein Powder has about 25 grams of protein in an 8 oz glass of water. If you want to get that same amount of protein by drinking milk you are going to have to drink about four 8oz glasses to get that same amount of protein.

Whole Foods

Most bodybuilders focus mainly on drinking protein shakes for getting their daily protein intake, but they forget that they can usually get the same amount of protein by eating Whole Foods. The best source of protein is going to come from eating quality meats such as chicken, fish, beef, and pork. Whole foods and protein powder have the same gram amount of protein. The pros of eating whole foods to protein powder is that whole foods taste a lot better than just drinking protein shakes. The cons of eating whole foods instead of taking protein powder is that I takes time for the whole foods to digest and the protein shakes usually digest in minutes.

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Protein Juice

Another alternative to taking protein shakes is protein juice. We are now in a day and age where the people that make supplements are trying new ways they can put protein in sources besides powder. They are now putting protein in juice. The juice usually has the same amount of protein that the protein shakes have. The pros of choosing the juice over shake is that the juice doesn’t make your stomach hurt, the protein shake sometimes do. The cons of choosing the juice over the protein powder is that sometimes the juice that taste as good as the protein powder.

These are some of the best alternatives if you do not like drinking protein shakes. The most important factor is that you get your protein intake in daily to build your muscle.