Prosperity Gospel is a Lie

I first heard the term Money Cometh in 1997. A book by that name was in the library of the church I was attending at that time. The Author is Dr. Leroy Thompson.

The book claims that God wants Christians to be rich so there will be more money to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. On the surface this book seemed based in reality. It does take money to spread the gospel to all the world. And the scripture references appeared to be accurate.

Over time my then pastor, and guest preachers all began to talk about the wealth of the wicked that was going to be transferred to the believers in Christ. Every December from 1997 until I stepped out of that type of church in 2005, there was a slogan.

We would hear; 1997 looking like heaven. 2002 much more for you. In 1999 we were told that when the new millennium came in that unexpected money would be transferred to our bank accounts. People shouted and ran around the church. But the entire year went by with no evidence of a big windfall of money for anyone. Except those who were preaching it.

When guest preachers came they would take up offerings for the first family that was above and beyond the salary the church was paying the pastor. They encouraged individuals to give big. On two occasions women gave $10,000 to the pastor and not to the church for the work of the Lord.

Whenever anyone asked why the regular members were not getting the big money,we were told we must not have tithed every week or God was mad at us about something. We watched preachers raise thousands of dollars every year for our pastor, in addition to his salary. And tell us our season was coming.

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Instead of money coming it seems to be going. Businesses are shutting down, jobs are being lost and people are losing their homes. Many of those who have been affected have put their money and faith into the prosperity gospel.

The alleged due season has not materialized. The preachers of this false gospel however live in mansions and fly in jets. While the members who are furnishing their lavish lifestyle are suffering.

Many Christians believe the weakening economy is God’s wrath because the focus of the church has shifted. Instead of teaching that Jesus is Savior, parishioners are being told that having a lavish lifestyle proves God is blessing you.

Whenever I try to talk to people who are still in these churches they get mad. I have family and friends who no longer speak to me, and have been de-friended on Facebook. I guess the truth, that the Prosperity gospel is a lie, and a hoax hurts.

The average American has to live budget their spending based on their salary. The prosperity gospelpreachers find more ways to extract money from the people. They charge for church services and revivals, and ask viewers to “sow a seed” to keep their television broadcasts on the air. They also peddle books and CD’s.

I was flipping channel one night and heard Benny Hinn say that if you tithe, your every need will be met and you will never have to ask anyone for a thing. Two weeks later he was on the air saying, “I am beggin you dear partners, help me. I need 2 million dollars in order to do the work God has given me. These two conflicting statements say it all.

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