Pros and Cons of Having Your Cell Phone as Your Main Phone

The recent trend of people chucking their traditional phone service and simply using their cell phone as a primary phone is not without its merits. It is also not without its issues. Here are a few things to consider before doing the same thing.

1. Cell phones need to be charged and are easy to lose.

Modern cordless phones need to be charged as well, but not quite as often as cell phones. In addition, today’s cell phones are much smaller than the common cordless phone. As a result, they are easy to misplace. It isn’t uncommon to misplace a cell phone long enough to run the battery completely down. If you are considering using a cell phone as your primary phone, it is wise to purchase extra batteries, an extra wall charger, and a good car charger. In that way, you should never be without a charged cell phone.

2. With a traditional phone line, you can easily add additional receivers.

Today, it is easier than ever to add additional receivers to your landline. By purchasing a cordless phone system, many of which come with a base receiver with answering machine as well as two additional handsets with charging bases, you simply need to plug the extra receivers in. The only phone jack you need is for the main receiver and answering machine. In other words, having a traditional phone line is more convenient than ever. When using a cell phone as your primary phone, you are limited to just one phone receiver. This simply isn’t convenient for those living in larger households.

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3. Why pay two bills?

This simple truth is what is driving people to simply use their cell phone as their home phone. They want the economy and simplicity of simply paying one phone bill each month – the cell bill. Add on the fact that most modern cell phone plans include more minutes than most people can use every month, and you’re set.

4. Cell phones can be used anywhere, anytime.

This, of course, is a double-edged sword afflicting and blessing our current age. With a cell phone, you can easily reach emergency services, stay in constant contact with loved ones, and so much more. The darker side is that people call while they drive, are rude in restaurants, grocery stores, and in movie theaters. Some people even make calls in the bathroom, which goes way beyond being rude and disgusting.

No matter what you ultimately choose, keeping the above pieces of information in mind will lead to a decision that is right for you. Personally, I’d recommend using only a cell phone to college students and those living alone. However, if you have a family or a bunch of people living under one roof, a landline is a must as well. In addition, keep in mind that many rural areas still only have dial-up Internet service. Having only a cell phone isn’t an option in those areas not only for that reason, but for safety as well. In many cases, more rural areas don’t have constant cell phone coverage yet. Just a few more things to keep in mind when making the decision.