Product Review: The Body Shop Tea Tree Oil

Having teenagers in the house will guarantee you of a case or two of acne. My three girls all had problems at one time or the other with breakouts. They were faithful users of Clearasil and other products that help to clear acne and speed up the healing process. One of the products that they ended up turning to for bad breakouts was The Body Shop Tea Tree Oil. It is a natural product with antiseptic qualities that helped clear up more severe acne breakouts and control the oiliness.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a natural ingredient and one known and used for many years by those using natural remedies for it’s healing qualities. Tea tree oil can be used just like an antiseptic for minor cuts, scrapes, mosquito bites, and yes, even acme. It aids in the healing process by speeding up the healing. Another words, your problem will disappear a little faster.

Tea tree oil comes from the Melaleuca plant which is native to New South Wales, Australia. It was discovered by Aborigines for its antibacterial and antifungal qualities. This oil is now marketed in the United States and used for promoting healing for those that prefer a natural ingredient for healing.

The Body Shop Tea Tree Oil comes in a small bottle and retails for $7.50 a bottle. It has a strong odor but that is something you learn to live with, especially if you like the results of using this product for medicinal properties.

My Experience With The Body Shop Tea Tree Oil

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I have used The Body Shop Tea Tree Oil several times for cuts. It does have a strong odor but this doesn’t really bother me, this product is not 100% pure tea tree oil so it isn’t as strong as the all-natural product. One thing that I noticed is that using the tea tree oil on cuts helps to take the soreness out and you don’t feel the pain associated with the cut like you normally do.

I have been pleased with the performance of this product. It does help speed recovery and the added benefit of taking away the pain makes this a product I will turn to first before an item from the first aid cabinet.

My daughters all used The Body Shop Tea Tree Oil for acne or blemishes at one time or the other. It is recommended that you use this after cleansing your face. That way most of the bacteria is removed before applying the tea tree oil and it can go right to work healing the problem. The Body Shop Tea Tree Oil was beneficial for clearing up not only bad cases of blemishes for my girls, but also just that occasional one that would pop up at the wrong time.


I recommend The Body Shop Tea Tree Oil for anyone that likes to use natural remedies for healing. It is great for not only blemishes but also minor cuts and scrapes.