Inexpensive and Simple Beauty Tricks

Everyone loves to learn beauty tricks. We all want to look beautiful and save money while doing it. Here are a few tricks that are inexpensive and some that are quite inventive.


Save money by not buying those clarifying shampoos that are supposed to get the build up out of your hair. They all don’t work, anyway. Try this trick instead. Add two tablespoons of plain baking soda to your favorite shampoo. This also frees up space in your bathroom cabinet.

Do you hate the smell of hair spray (even the supposedly unscented ones?) Trying adding a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the bottle. You only need to use about 3 drops of oil per eight ounces of hair spray. Your oil will lasts for a long time since it takes so little.

Do you color your hair and hate when your roots start to show? Try changing the way you part your hair. It may give you a few more days until you have to color.


Love face masks? Try making one out of papaya. It works as a mild exfoliator. Just mash it into a paste and apply to face. Set for about five minutes.

Do you still get an occasional pimple? Try putting honey on it at bedtime. Just wash off in the morning. Honey has natural antibacterial properties and may help it to heal faster.

Do you get pimples under the skin? Try mixing a teaspoon of yeast with a few drops of lemon juice and water to make a paste. Dab it on the spot. Leave on overnight. It seems to help shrink the spots.

See also  Everyday Beauty Tricks for Short Hairstyles

Do you get red bumps waxing or shaving your bikini line? Try swiping deodorant over the line after you shave and wax. They won’t appear. The deodorant will help keep your skin from getting irritated.

Try using brown unbleached napkins instead of regular oil-blotting sheets. They are bigger and less expensive. (Some Taco Bell’s have these kinds of napkins if you don’t know what they look like)


Apply under eye concealer onto your lips before you apply your lipstick. It will help keep it from bleeding.


Do you have brittle nails? If you do, you should stay away from perfumed lotions. They usually contain alcohol and will make your nails more brittle. You should also look at your calcium intake. You may not be taking enough of it.

What to look stylish and made up but don’t have the time. Consider these quick easy steps.

1. Cover up any blemishes or spots on your face with a concealer.

2. Do your eyes. Swipe some mascara over your lashes to make them pop and then add some shadow.

3. Add some soft lipstick to your lips. Lipstick gives us color and keeps us from looking washed out and tired.

4. Pin your hair up and clasp it back with some pretty barrettes, clips or other hair accessory.

5. Don’t forget a dash of perfume and body spray.

That only took maybe five minutes and now will look and feel more confident ready to face the day.