Product Review: Fatigued to Fantastic! Energy Revitalization System

I was recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia (FMS), and after a long process of doctor visits and tests, I knew I didn’t want to dive right into a prescribed medication to help with my symptoms. So instead I decided to do some research online about homeopathic remedies for people that suffer from FMS. Upon learning that certain vitamins and minerals could help ease my pain, I headed to the local Whole Foods market with my list of supplements.

Once I began looking for the various supplements for daytime and nighttime, I quickly realized how expensive it was becoming. Luckily, a Whole Foods associate was there to rescue me and show me the right path to pain relief as well as saving money. The associate showed me a product called Fatigue to Fantastic! Energy Revitalization System. This product was developed with the help of Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum. Dr. Teitelbaum is a board certified internist, as well as the medical director of the Fibromyalgia and Fatigue Centers Inc. After suffering from FMS himself and struggling through the pain to make it through medical school, Dr. Teitelbaum became an advocate of FMS sufferers throughout the world.

The sales associate informed me that many customers come in for this specific formula for FMS and CFS as well. Even though the one container is roughly $36.99 and last only one month, she stated that it was well worth it and that some customers have said that they don’t need to take it daily. Once I looked at the list of ingredients on the package I was sold. For less than $40.00 a month I was able to get all of the supplements I was looking for and then some. By buying one kit, I would be able to save a lot of money and still get the vitamins and minerals my body would need to help with the FMS symptoms.

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I purchased one kit and began taking the supplements the following morning. The kit came with two products: a powdered supplement in “Berry Splash” flavor, as well as a Vitamin B complex that was in the form of a pill. The instructions were very easy to follow and understand. Basically I took one scoop of the powder and mixed it with eight to twelve ounces of water. I then followed the drink with a B complex caplet. I also made sure to eat something since the products contains a laundry list of supplements.

Even though the box states that it could take two to three weeks for results, I could see results by the second day. I actually conducted an experiment and didn’t take either supplement on the third day. My husband and I could both tell the difference between the first two days of taking the supplements and the third day of not taking it. At that point I was hooked. I tried the product and was utterly surprised to see that when I didn’t take it I definitely didn’t feel very well.

The kit comes in two different flavors, Berry Splash and Citrus Delight. They are both caffeine free and are naturally sweet because of the stevia that is added. By drinking the mix and taking the caplet you get over 50 vitamins and minerals that your body needs to help with CFS and FMS symptoms. Some of the vitamins and minerals the kit contains are: choline (helps fatigue and boosts mental alertness), vitamin B complex (helps you operate at peak energy levels), malic acid (helps with connective tissue and muscles), and amino acids (helps your metabolism).

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I have been adding the powder mixture to water and drinking it quickly, but you can also add it to any beverage, smoothie, or even your yogurt. The product does contain some calories, cholesterol, protein, and carbohydrates. As with any product you should contact a physician before taking it, just incase it may not be right for you or it may interfere with any medications you are currently taking.

All-in-all, I would highly recommend this product to anyone that is suffering from FMS or CFS, with a doctor’s approval of course. It has worked wonders for me. I don’t think I could live without this product and have often wondered where it had been all of my life. Also, if you suffer from lack of sleep or other problems, the Fatigued to Fantastic line offers a wide variety of natural products to help you get through your day and night.
