Homemade Treatments for Bloodshot Eyes

When your eyes become “Bloodshot”, it means that the tiny blood vessels inside the eyeballs contain too much blood and they are inflamed. Bloodshot eyes are usually caused by lack of sleep, tiredness, allergies, irritations and drinking too much alcohol. This condition can also be caused by high blood pressure and other medical problems, as well as allergic reactions to makeup. To relieve the redness and dryness, use these homemade treatments for bloodshot eyes.

There are several over-the-counter products you can buy today that can help clear up red, tired eyes. You can use some of these products every now and then to help clear up bloodshot eyes. But, if you use them too much, you can get a condition called, “Rebound Hyperemia.” Eye drops that contain the chemicals tetrahydrozaline or naphazoline are the culprits. These chemicals work by constricting the blood vessels in your eyes. This reduction helps eliminate the redness. However, use drops that contain these chemicals too often and your eyes will be more bloodshot than they already were! Why? Because your eye muscles will weaken because of the constant constriction.

To help relieve a mild case of bloodshot eyes, use this homemade treatment: close your eyes and splash cold water several times onto your eyelids. The cold water will help the blood vessels to constrict. The water will also help cool and lubricate your eyes.

To relieve a moderate case of bloodshot eyes, place two cotton balls in cold skim milk. Squeeze them out just so they’re not sloppy wet anymore. Then, place a cotton ball on each closed eyelid. Sit back and relax for fifteen minutes. Then, remove the cotton and rinse your face thoroughly with cool water.

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For a homemade treatment for bloodshot eyes that will erase the redness in your eyes quickly, close your eyes and place a very cold compress on your eyelids. Wrap up a bag of frozen vegetables in a clean, soft cloth. Hold the bag in place for half an hour, then remove it. If the vegetables are thawed, you better plan on cooking them for your next meal.

Grape seeds are excellent for your eyes, inside and out. You can eat grapes, seeds and all, juice whole grapes and drink them, or you can find grape seed supplements at your local health food store. The powerful antioxidants in the seeds will help make the blood vessels in your eyes stronger. Plus, they’ll also help your vision.

Did you know that if you don’t have enough Vitamin B complex in your body, your eyes can become bloodshot? Ask your healthcare professional if that’s the cause of your bloodshot eyes. If so, ask him or her how much Vitamin B complex you should take every day.

Taking Lutein or Vitamin A supplements can also help your eyes from becoming bloodshot.

If you’ve tried one or more of these homemade treatments for bloodshot eyes and you still haven’t found relief, then you should see your healthcare professional as soon as possible. Your bloodshot eyes could be an indication of an eye infection or another health problem.