Product Review: Equate’s Allergy Relief Medication from Wal Mart

Springtime is suffering time for many people who have allergies. Pollen is often the culprit causing the suffering during this time. Pollen is how the plant life found all around everyone procreates. The pollen is used to fertilize the female flowers and plant reproduction takes place. While this is good for plants, it can make life miserable for people who suffer from allergies, or until this season passes by. But there is good news, there is medications that can be taken for this condition, both prescription and over-the-counter. Many allergy sufferers take the prescription drugs available for their suffering but the allergy sufferers in my family take an over-the-counter medication manufactured by Equate. This medication is simply called “allergy relief” and can easily be purchased at Wal Mart stores located throughout the country.

Even though allergies are worse during the spring of the year, allergy sufferers can take this over-the-counter medication everyday, all year long. In fact, it may be more beneficial to the allergy sufferer to take this little white pill daily so they do not have a more severe allergy attack. If taken regularly, Equate’s allergy relief medication can fight off the allergens that tend to cause people with allergies to suffer when pollen counts are high, making it an important part of an allergy sufferers daily routine.

Equate’s “allergy relief” medication is readily available at Wal Mart stores nationwide, is an over-the-counter medication, meaning no prescription is required, is not expensive at all and best of all, it works, or it does on my family of allergy sufferers. This medication is available in several different quantities, from 10 pills to 60 pills, is non-drowsy and even comes with a decongestant. Each little white pill contains 10mg of Loratadine, which is an antihistamine. The dosage is simple, one pill every day for people six years or older.

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Allergy sufferers should consider taking Equate’s allergy relief, found at Wal Mart stores nationwide in mind, especially if they do not have a prescription. Not only will they get relief from their allergy symptoms, such as sneezing, coughing, runny nose, itchy, watering eyes associated with allergies, but they will see some savings as well. These are the two reasons that my family takes this little white pill daily and can enjoy life outdoors in the spring when everything around them has a nice shade of yellow due to the amount of pollen in the air.