Mylicon Infant Gas Relief Drops Vs Equate Infant Gas Relief Drops

Over the years, I have purchased many bottles of infant gas relief drops for my children, and they have really been such an important product for my family. I am a mother of 4, with my oldest child now 15 years old, and my youngest child only 7 months old, so I am still using infant gas relief drops frequently.

Mylicon Infant Gas Relief Drops are a leader in their industry, and are probably the most widely used infant gas drop over the counter products. The active ingredient in Mylicon Infant Gas Relief Drops is Simethicone. Mylicon Infant Gas Relief Drops are safe enough to use with every meals, so long as you do not exceed 12 doses each day. Mylicon Infant Gas Relief Drops are safe for babies from the ages of newborn to over 2 years old.

Mylicon Infant Gas Relief Drops do not contain artificial flavorings, alcohol, or saccharin, and should be shook well before each use. Over the past 15 years that I have been using Mylicon Infant Gas Relief Drops, not one of my children fought taking the medicine, and actually liked to take it, however you can mix the gas drops with the baby’s formula, juice, or water.

Mylicon Infant Gas Relief Drops will cost you approximately $14.99 for a one ounce bottle in most drug stores, yet you can find it slightly cheaper in department stores such as Wal-Mart, Target, and Kmart. Many grocery stores and even convenience stores also carry Mylicon Infant Gas Relief Drops, but expect to pay $14.99 or more for the product in theses types of stores.

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Equate Infant Gas Relief Drops is also a great product for aiding you in easing your child or baby’s gas pain and discomfort. Just like Mylicon Infant Gas Relief Drops, Equate Infant Gas Relief Drops active ingredient is Simethicone, and they are safe for children of all ages including newborns. You can also use Equate Infant Gas Relief Drops with your child’s every meal as long as you do not exceed 12 doses per day. Equate Infant Gas Relief Drops is virtually the same product as Mylicon Infant Gas Relief Drops, only they do not carry the Mylicon brand name.

Equate Infant Gas Relief Drops can also be mixed with water, juice, or infant formulas, yet again, most small children will not mind the taste of it at all, and may actually like the taste of it. Both Mylicon Infant Gas Relief Drops and Equate Infant Gas Relief Drops, are great for relieving gas in infants and toddlers. Though these gas relief products are not made to cure colic, some baby’s will find relief from either of these gas relief products if their colic is partly due to excess gas.

You can purchase Equate Infant Gas Relief Drops at any Wal-Mart or Sam’s Club store for about half the cost of the name brand Mylicon Infant Gas Relief Drops, so why would you want to pay more. Ever since I realized that the Equate brand of Infant Gas Relief Drops was essentially the same product, with a different label, I have bought the Equate Infant Gas Relief Drops instead of the Mylicon Infant Gas Relief Drops. The only time I have purchased Mylicon Infant Gas Relief Drops since then has only been a few instances when I could not get to Wal-Mart, and had to buy the gas drops in a drug store. It is my recommendation that if your child needs gas relief drops, you are better off financially by purchasing the Equate Infant Gas Relief Drops versus their competitor Mylicon Infant Gas Relief Drops.