Product Review: Celestial Seasonings Tension Tamer Tea

Celestial Seasonings Tension Tamer Tea is one of many herbal teas produced by the Boulder Colorado Company. I’ve tried many Celestial Seasonings’ teas over the years and have enjoyed the taste and exceptional quality. When I first purchased Tension Tamer, I was looking for an herbal tea with a pleasant taste and calming qualities. I will describe the flavor and quality of Celestial Seasonings Tension Tamer in this article.

Celestial Seasonings Tension Tamer tea contains the following ingredients:

Eleuthero, peppermint, cinnamon, ginger, chamomile, West Indian lemongrass, licorice, catnip, tilia flowers, natural lemon ( with other natural flavors), hops, and Vitamins B6 and B12.

About the Flavor of Tension Tamer

What I like:

Celestial Seasonings Tension Tamer has a mildly sweet mint flavor and a very pleasant aroma. I add a small mount of milk to it which softens the flavor.

What I don’t like:

Celestial Seasonings Tension Tamer contains licorice. I am not fond of licorice and would rather that flavor not be there at all. That said, the other ingredients
are strong enough to override most of the licorice flavor (which for me is a good thing).

The packaging

All Celestial Seasonings’ teas come in very nice packaging. The artwork is wonderful and unique.

The price

The price of Celestial Seasonings Tension Tamer is comparable to other herbal tea brands of similar quality.

Does Tension Tamer Really Facilitate Calm?

My most recent test of the tea occurred when I was extremely stressed out. I made myself a cup and waited. At first I was disappointed. In the past, one cup has had a mild calming effect (whether this is merely a placebo effect or not I’ve no way of knowing), but that night I was tempted to have another cup because I was still so tense. Before I got around to making another cup of tea, however, I relaxed.

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Was it the tea that calmed me? I’ve no way of saying for certain. I do believe it helped.

Final comments about Celestial Seasonings Tension Tamer tea.

This herbal tea is a delightful, flavorful tea that is especially perfect for cold winter nights when you just want to unwind. This tea, and other herbal teas, might not be suitable for some people because of the herbs used. Medicinal herbs such as eleuthero should be consumed with the same precaution as an over-the-counter medicine. If you are taking prescription medicines or have a medical condition you should consult with your physician before consuming products containing medicinal herbs.

To read about the benefits, potential side effects, and drug interaction precautions regarding eleuthero, visit this site here or the link provided in the resources section. The site also contains some very interesting facts about the history of eleuthero.

How I Rate Celestial Seasonings Tension Tamer Tea

This is a great tea and I definitely intend on purchasing it frequently in the future. It is mellow in flavor and has a wonderful aroma. I give this tea 5 out of 5 stars. Also, I feel good about buying from a company that has high standards regarding quality. To read about the Celestial Seasonings Company, please visit the link in the resources section.
