Principles and an Analytical Mind

An analytical mind is a blessing but when a person with an analytical mind acquires moral principles it becomes a curse. An analytical mind has the ability to look at a “situation” and decide what changes would result in a better or worse outcome. People with analytical minds are natural mathematicians and will probably be successful in the area of computer programming or similar fields.

Very few people have analytical minds. Most people can’t solve complex puzzles because when they were very young, perhaps only a matter of months old, they were not taught to use the magnificent brain that the vast majority of us are endowed with. Some idiots looked at people’s analytical abilities and came up with the idiotic theory that some people are, by some unknown cause, endowed with genius brains, while the vast majority of people were only endowed with average brains. I have long ago tried to debunk the myth of “endowed” IQ but It is a problem. Those with analytical minds have an extreme bias against the idea that they are not superior beings and those without analytical minds can’t get their brains around the problem of “figuring out” what made one person a genius and another a moron.

In the United States today, we have a class society of “elites” and ordinary (inferior) people. Elites are those who are wealthy, no matter the means by which they became wealthy. Whether people are “elites” or people of ordinary means, there is another trait that comes into play in their lives. Those “elites” who have the trait of, for want of a better term, I’ll call them “control freaks.” “Control freaks” have this desire to control people to force them to act the way that they want them to act. They have this egotistical view of themselves as being on a mission to improve society and can’t understand why their plans implode. Adolf Hitler is perhaps the most notable of this type of person.

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The trouble that the “elites” have with analytical people with principles, the reason that the combination is a curse, is because truly principled people can’t be controlled. They will not sacrifice their principles for love nor money. Since the “elites” who are now controlling the United States demand that you abide by their control over you, they persecute principled analytical people. If they cannot control you then you are a threat to them. Most evangelicals have principles, but very few also have analytical minds. They are not any threat to the elites who control things.

A great example of the situation of principles versus analytical mind is the many men and one woman who are or were seeking the goal of becoming President of the United States. Mike Huckabee is a glaring example of a person with princilples who does not have an analytical mind. He represents no threat to the “elites” who run this country because he can be controlled. Of the other four candidates still seeking the presidency, three have minds are not analytical enough to realize that their plans are detrimental to the future of this country. The “elites” who run the country don’t care. Any of the three of them can be controlled.

There is one remaining candidate and despite the massive amount of effort that the elites that run this country have undertaken to get rid of him, he is still in the race and his voice is still being heard. He, of course, is Dr. Ron Paul. Just the fact that he is a medical doctor rather than a lawyer is significant. Lawyers are people may have principles, but those principles are generally purely born out of greed. Doctors are normally people with moral principles to help people. Becoming a (medical) doctor would be extremely difficult for a person who doesn’t have much of an analytical mind. The same cannot be said for lawyers.

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Dr. Ron Paul has a small following of people who have both principles and analytical minds. They are principled in that they want the nation to move in a direction that will benefit all of the people, not just an “elite” few. Dr. Paul’s followers have “analyzed” the plans of all of the candidates and used their ability to determine the Dr. Paul’s plans will do the most good. One great philosopher said, “There are no people more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe that they are free.” If you cannot look around you and see how accurately that describes the people of the United States then the “analysis” ability of your brain is severely impaired. We are slaves to the “elites” who control this nation. Even they are slaves, slaves of their own ambitions.

Dr Ron Paul is trying to loosen the control of those “elites” over us. Dr. Paul is trying to spread a message of freedom, especially freedom to control the fruits of your efforts. Today we have an unconstitutional income tax, which is used principally to satisfy the greed of the “elites” who control us. Am I one of only a very few out of over 300 million who sees that the private Federal Reserve bankers are bleeding us by extorting money from working Americans and loaning it to other bankers and collecting interest on the loans. They do nothing for us. They get the interest that they charge banks for the loans for doing nothing. They keep getting rich off it while working Americans are struggling to pay their bills? Dr. Paul would abolish the Federal Reserve and save the people of this nation billions of dollars every month. Dr. Paul would abolish the income tax and free us from the tyranny of the IRS. Is it any wonder that the “elites” who run this country hate him and what he stands for.