Fantasy Football 2012 – Ranking the Top 12 QB’s for the 2012 Draft

Memorial day has come and passed. We are officially at the start of Fantasy Football season. Over the next few weeks I will go through the rankings for all the positions. Today we start with the QB’s. We are going to rank the likely draft order of the top 12 QB’s in for the 2012 Draft. When I go in to the draft I find it helpful to group players in to categories or tiers. Depending on how the draft is falling using the tier method might allow a player to pass up on a particular position player knowing there is a good possibility another player in that top tier could fall to them in the next pick.

Here are the early QB Rankings for 2012

1) Aaron Rodgers – This is a no brainer. Of all the top tier players in 2011 Rodgers was the most consistent. Green Bay is not a run heavy team and they score through the air a lot. Not only is Rodgers the top QB this season but an argument can be made that he should be the first player selected overall.

2) Tom Brady – This was a bit of a tossup between Brady and Brees. The addition of Brandon Lloyd to New England’s already prolific passing attack gives Brady the edge here.

3) Drew Brees – Brees had a record breaking season in 2011. The Saints are a prolific passing offense. Brees remains a player that can almost single handedly win matchups. Brees could have been ranked second but for the questions as to how the Saints look without Sean Peyton at the helm. Will their offense take a step back?

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Rodgers, Brady and Brees represent the top tier QB’s. I would expect that at least two or possibly all three will be taken in the first round in 10+ team formats. There is a significant drop off after the top three.

4) Peyton Manning – Peyton will be a boom or bust play this season. This ranking may change a bit once the preseason games begin and we can see if Peyton is back to himself. There is a high injury risk here as well but the upside is a top tier player for a second tier draft spot.

5) Newton – Carolina should be better this season. Newton was everything Mike Vick wasn’t last season. He was relatively injury free and churned up fantasy points on the ground and through the air. He has potential each week to carry your squad. He falls to the second tier because it is likely he will carrry the team fewer times then the top tier QB’s.

6) Michael Vick – Another boom or bust play in the second tier, Vick is an injury risk at all times. His potential is sky high when healthy however. Shady continues to get a lot of catches. The Philly recievers are speedy YAC machines. If he csn stay healthy Vick should rack up some huge numbers.

Peyton, Cam and Vick represent the second tier of QB’s. These guys have potential to carry teams just like the top tier but each of the second tier QB’s have some question marks that could sink them.

7) E. Manning – Coming off the Superbowl win Eli has never looked better. The emergence of Victor Cruz was huge for Eli and the G-Men last season. Eli does turn the ball over a lot but he is a solid consistent QB that should get above average points each week.

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8) Tony Romo – Romo is another player that puts up fairly consistent numbers. He has a solid duo at WR between Austin and Bryant. The Cowboys like to sling the rock and Romo is a player that wont single handedly win you games but he can compliment your lineup.

9) Phillip Rivers – Rivers took a step backward last season. His numbers were down across the board, Will he bounce back? He could last in to the 4th or 5th rounds of 10-12 team leagues this season. If he bounces back he will be a steel and round out the third tier of QB’s

Eli, Romo and Rivers represent the third tier of QB’s heading in to the 2012 Draft. All three are complimentary players that can break out every once in a while. There is a big dropoff from here so in larger 12+ team formats it will be critical to at least grab one of these top 9 QB’s.

10) Big Ben – The Steelers are built on their Defense. They run the rock alot. Ben’s strengths are his ability to scramble and improvise. They don’t play from behind a lot and have to face the Ravens twice a year. Ben is the “best of the rest”.

11) Matt Ryan – Ryan is another consistent but not spectacular player, He has limited upside but the emergence of Julio Jones is a plus for 2012. it is a bit of a tossup between Ryan and Big Ben here. Go with your gut.

12) RG3 – See Cam Newton circa 2011. RG3 has tons of upside. There aren’t any prolific passers left on the board so why not take a shot here?

See also  2012 Quarterback (QB) Rankings - Top 50 - Fantasy Football 2012

So that is our early QB rankings. We will be back with rankings for the rest of the positions in the coming days and weeks. Drop me a comment or question below and follow me for updates throughout the season.