Free Printable Jigsaw Puzzles for Kids

Jigsaw puzzles are a great way to stimulate the imagination plus they are very portable and can be carried anywhere. The internet offers so many free resources and jigsaw puzzles are one of them, there are tons of free printable jigsaw puzzles for kids.

A jigsaw puzzle can be printed on a light weight tag board and cut apart or the jigsaw puzzle can be printed on paper, then mounted on a heavy duty cardboard and cut apart. Either option is a low cost way to produce a variety of puzzles for kids to enjoy, but not have to worry if the pieces get lost or destroyed.

Jigsaw puzzles are great for a rainy day at home or when the kids are bored and cannot find anything to do. Jigsaw puzzles are also great for the classroom, as a teacher I would place seasonal jigsaw puzzles in one of my centers and when the seasons changed, I would change out the puzzles. The children were always really excited to see which new puzzles would be placed in the center and they were always really anxious to try the new puzzles. Free printable jigsaw puzzles made changing the jigsaw puzzles really easy and also low cost.

Many of my students could not afford to buy things such as jigsaw puzzles so I would print off the puzzles, let the kids cut them apart in class and then take the puzzles home to try. The children were also allowed to trade their puzzles with classroom friends if the friends agreed they wanted to try each other’s puzzles.

See also  How to Make a Mat to Store Jigsaw Puzzles

Here you will find a nice selection of free printable jigsaw puzzles for kids, no matter how you decide to use the puzzles, there will be lots of fun in store.

Jigsaw Puzzles for Kids

This website offers jigsaw puzzles for kids to play online and also to download, the jigsaw puzzle themes offered are: animals, dinosaur, scene sets, butterflies and bugs, the challenge puzzles, holiday puzzles, hummers, take a photo puzzles, flowers, I love birds, frogs and baby animals. This site offers many other types of free printable jigsaw puzzles, so be sure to check out the other links on the site so that you do not miss a puzzle!

Printable Jigsaw Puzzles

Here you will find a really large selection of free printable jigsaw puzzles for kids, there are holiday related jigsaw puzzles such as Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas plus more. Seasons puzzles are offered: autumn, spring, summer and winter plus there are lots of theme puzzles such as: sports, fire engine, weather, teddy bear.

Free Animal Jigsaw Puzzles

If you are an animal lover, you will enjoy all the beautiful photo jigsaw puzzles of animals. These jigsaw puzzles can be played on online and they are so beautiful, it may be worth it just to play online instead of attempting to print them.

Jigsaw puzzles are so much fun and most kids enjoy trying to put a puzzle together, take advantage of all the free printable jigsaw puzzles offered online and start printing away!
