High School Graduation Party Invitations

Spring is in the air and it is that time again. The time when teenagers are contemplating what college to attend and what they want their career to be. The time when the past thirteen years spent studying and cramming for decent grades is about to pay off. The milestone in a high school student’s life; it’s graduation day!

The hustle and bustle fills the halls as caps and gowns are fitted to each student. Perfect lines of giggling teens will eager file in from each side of the auditorium. Heads will be held high as each graduate ascends onto the stage to shake the hand of the principal and accept their earned diploma. Parents will proudly gaze and snap hundreds of pictures as their heads are filled with memories. Memories of times past and how hard their child had to work to make it to this point, Graduation Day.

Each student is normally allotted a certain number of graduation invitations. These graduation invitations may be limited and not everyone in the family may be able to attend your student’s special day. If there are members of the family that are not able to attend, a High School Graduation Party can be given after the graduation ceremonies.

A High School Graduation Party is an ideal way to show the special student in your life how proud you are of their accomplishments. High School Graduation Day is a day not to be taken lightly. It is a day in which well deserved recognition is given to students for their hard work throughout school years. It is a time that should be celebrated not only with family, but also with friends.

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Uncertainty fills the minds and thought of students during this exciting time. A High School Graduation Party is exactly what students need to relax and see how friends and family pull alongside them during this thrilling time. A party that celebrates all their trials, tribulations, and accomplishments lets them know you stand behind them come what may.

The cheapest way to order high school graduation invitations is to make them yourself or to order them on-line. Finding the perfect wording to use on high school graduation invitations may be challenging. There are many templates available to give you an idea of how to announce your student’s graduation. One idea may be:

Please Join Us As We Celebrate the Graduation of

Students Name


Name of the High School

(Date) Friday, May 09, 2008

(Time) 2:00p.m.

Reception Immediately Following

The Home of Such and Such

123 Southfork Drive

Mom and Dad’s Name

Regrets Only and a phone number

This is just one idea of how to word you High School graduation invitations. There are many other ideas. You may also like to put something like:

It is with great pleasure that (Parent’s Name) announce the graduation of (Student’s Name)

A special poem or creative writing that announces your student’s graduation (As we look back upon last years…..)

The best thing about High School graduation invitations is that you can personalize them to the student that is graduating. Each invitation, just like the student, is unique and individual. Graduation is an end to an era in your student’s life. Close the era with a bang! Choose the wording that is best suited to your graduate.