Practical Jokes Gone Wrong

1. A construction worker decided to play a practical joke on unsuspecting bystanders. He dropped his hammer on to the sidewalk from the second story and waited for the next pedestrian. As the pedestrian approached, the worker would yell down and say, ” hey – can you pick up that hammer for me?” Several of them fell for the joke, picked it up and tossed it to the worker. The last guy to pick it up however accidentally tossed the hammer too high and it came down hitting the construction worker in the face – sending him to the hospital.

2. Three friends were watching football one Sunday afternoon and drinking a lot of beer. One of them fell asleep on the couch. The other two guys decided to get their girlfriend’s perfume and pour it on the sleeping guys crotch.

They poured an entire bottle of perfume on the crotch area when one suggested they try to set it on fire with a lighter. Thinking it would be hysterical to see him wake up with his privates on fire, they planned to toss water on the fire before any real damage could be done. Their friend woke up screaming when he realized his pants were on fire and immediately the friends threw water on the blaze, however the alcohol base of the perfume did not extinguish as planned. Before the man could remove his flaming pants, he suffered second degree burns to his testicles and his friends were arrested at the hospital for assault.

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3. Two friends play a practical joke on each other in celebration of their birthdays. Every year, on a birthday, they look over the shoulder all day expecting the annual joke attack. One year my friend received tickets to a play from his friend as the birthday gift. While the birthday boy was at the play, the friend had a cement truck visit his home where birthday boy had an old beat up 1967 Volkswagen parked. The Volkswagen was filled with cement poured in through the sun roof. It was two days later when birthday boy discovered the cement filled car in his driveway.

He had to call a wrecker to remove it however, when the wrecker tried to remove the car, the wrecker boom collapsed into the roof of the house, causing nearly $20,000 in damages. Before it was over the practical joke VW bug cost birthday boy over 35,000.00. $ 20,000 damages on the home and $ 15,000 to the wrecker. In order to get the insurance company to pay damages on the home, birthday boy had to claim he had no idea what was behind the stunt, however, the event was captured by a neighbor’s security camera who reported the incident to police. The jokester was arrested and spent three days in jail and the home owner was arrested for defrauding the insurance company – and forced to pay back the $20,000.00 ! That was the end of the yearly joke attacks.

4. Five police offers were throwing a bachelors party for one of their own when they decided to abduct him. After a few very strong drinks, the officers handcuffed their friend, bound and gaged him and intended to leave him at the door of their captain. Unfortunately, they ended up dumping their friend at the wrong address which even worse, turned out to be the small town mayor’s home. They rang the doorbell and took off. The mayor called the police and when the entire ordeal was over, three officers were charged with disorderly conduct, conduct unbecoming to an officer. One other was charged with driving under the influence and was dismissed.

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5. Friends were throwing a bachelors party the night before the wedding in Florida. After the strippers left they decided to play last man standing with shots of vodka. The soon to be groom had no idea that his friends were actually drinking water and with every shot, the bachelor became severely drunk. Once sufficiently drunk, they took his wallet, his identification, his belt and shoes and carried him to the small town airport. ( This event happened in 1969 before homeland security was ever thought about ) Once at the airport they booked him on a flight to California telling the flight attendant that he had to make it to his wedding in California the next morning and to please make sure he gets off the plane in California.

Well, the next morning our bachelor woke up in an airport with no money, no identification , no wallet, pants loosely fitting and no shoes. He wandered out to the curb trying to make sense of what had happened and when he asked a police officer where he was, he was arrested for vagrancy and public intoxication. Needless to say he missed his wedding in Florida later that day. The end result was a war between the brides family and the grooms friends that resulted in a law suit for financial losses incurred. The brides family won the suit and the ordeal ended all of their friendships.