Possible Side Effects of Implanon Birth Control Implants

Are you considering an Implanon birth control implant? Have you or someone you know had a bad experience with birth control implants? Are you concerned that Implanon may have the same or similar side effects as the banned Norplant birth control implant? Would you like to know the possible side effects of Implanon? Let’s start with some basic information.

What is Implanon?

The Implanon is a long term birth control device implanted just under the skin. It is made of soft sterile medical plastic. It measures about one and a half inches long and .08 inches wide. Once in place, the Implanon provides birth control protection for up to three years. It has similar potential side effects as other hormonal methods of birth control, such as the pill.

How do birth control implants work?

Birth control implants utilize timed release medication for birth control over a set period of time. The Implanon birth control implant uses a progestin to prevent pregnancy. Progestins are a type of hormone that can have some negative side effects. The side effects of Implanon are said to be similar to those of Norplant, but not as extreme.

What is the difference between Implanon and Norplant?

Implanon uses etonogestrel to prevent pregnancy. The Norplant birth control implant used levenorgestrel. These are both progestins to stop pregnancy. Norplant had severe hormonal side effects and was pulled from the market. The side effects of the newer hormonal birth control implants are similar but not as severe as those of Norplant.

Do Implanon birth control insertions have side effects?

Implanon birth control implants are inserted just under the skin by your doctor. They must be removed by your doctor as well. Common side effects that might be experienced due to insertion of Implanon include redness and swelling. Rare side effects include infection and the possibility the insert will have to be surgically removed.

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What are some of the most common side effects of using Implanon?

Implanon utilizes hormones. Hormonal birth control causes side effects in some women. Some of the more common and less serious side effects of Implanon are irregular periods, acne and weight gain. Birth control implants can also cause nausea, dizziness, facial hair growth and viral infections. Psychological side effects include mood swings, depression and anxiety.

What are the painful side effects of Implanon?

Implanon can cause increased menstrual pain. Headaches and back aches are side effects associated with Implanon. Some people with birth control implants may experience tender breasts. There may also be general all over flu like aches and pains. Implanon users may experience initial pain at the sight of the implant.

Please Note: The author is not a licensed medical professional. This article is for informational purposes only. Consult a doctor for decisions regarding birth control methods and side effects.

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