Choosing Implanon

I started taking birth control pills after my oldest daughter was born. I had my younger daughter only fourteen months later. My girls are my joy, and I wouldn’t space them apart differently even if I could. For the sake of my health though, I decided I wanted to try a different type of birth control. I decided on Implanon, which is a flexible progestin-only implant that goes into your arm for up to three years.


I looked at many factors when I was choosing Implanon. I was intrigued by the idea of an IUD, but I found that they made me nervous. I would rather have an implant in my arm. I like that I can feel the implanon to make sure it is in place. I wanted something that would be effective. Implanon use results in less than 1 pregnancy among 100 users. At the same time, I wanted to make sure it was reversable. Implanon can be used up to three years, or you can have your doctor take it out before then. For most people, fertility returns immediently after removal (

I also wanted to make sure that it was a type of birth control that was safe to use while breast feeding. Like the minipill, Implanon is progestin-only and is considered safe to use while breast feeding. Effect on my supply was minimal. (


I received my Implanon implant three months ago at my six week postpartum appointment. The proceedure to insert the birth control was very short. For me, it was no worse than a regular shot'”although I did keep my arm very relaxed. My O.B. Suggested that tensing could make the brusing worse. I was told my Implanon would be effective within a week, although I have read that some people consider it effective after three days (

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I was told that the most common side effect for Implanon was irregular bleeding. ( I have not had periods at all since Implanon was inserted. This was a little unnerving at first, and I took several pregnancy tests to assure myself the Implanon was working. There are many other possible side effects for implanon, but the only troubling one I have experienced is weight gain. I was lucky to loose my baby weight in the first six weeks after my daughter was born. In three months of being on implanon, I have gained about four pounds. Weight gain is possible on any hormonal birth control, but it supposedly only happens in a small precentage of women.


It is true that my first few months on Implanon have not been perfect. Overall, however, I am happy with my birth control choice. I would recommend Implanon for women who are looking for a semilong term birth control. Maybe they are intrigued at the idea of an IUD, but they feel uncertain about having one placed. Implanon may also be for women who are looking for an effective birth control that is safe for breast feeding. If you would like to know more about Implanon, you can request an information pamplet at Of course, you should be sure to talk to your doctor about what sort of birth control is best for you.

