Parenting: Coping with Down Syndrome

Down syndrome is caused by a genetic problem that happens before your child is born. Children with Down syndrome are born with an extra chromosome. Most people are born with forty six chromosomes but people who have Down syndrome are born with forty seven chromosomes. If you have extra chromosomes then your body and brain develop in a different way.

Some of the risk factors for having a child be born with Down syndrome are: women who have a baby after they are thirty five years old, men who father children when they are over the age of forty, and one of the child’s parents has a brother or sister who has been diagnosed with Down syndrome.

Children who are diagnosed with Down syndrome are diagnosed before birth. During routine prenatal testing women are tested to see if their babies have Down syndrome. Most children with Down syndrome have heart, ear, intestinal, and breathing problems. Down syndrome children also need a lot of exercise because they can gain weight very fast.

It is important to be aware of health issues that might arise. Children with Down syndrome have loose joints, so they can dislocate their bones. Many children with Down syndrome dislocate the bones in their necks. If you see your child having these types of problems then you should take them to a doctor and see if your child needs an x-ray done.

As a parent you need to work hard to make your child feel loved and cared for. A child needs love and care in order to mature and grow. A child with special needs is just as bright and loving as a child who does not have special needs. You need to remember to be patient and try to teach your child life skills that will help them mature and grow as a person.

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You can find many helpful resources by finding support groups or organizations that help parents cope with raising children with Down syndrome. You can ask for advice and tips on how to best help your child learn and develop. It is good to be able to go to people who understand your situation.

There is no cure for Down syndrome there also is no way to prevent your child from being born with Down syndrome. However, children with Down syndrome can learn how to function in the world. Your child can learn how to feed themselves, dress themselves, communicate, groom themselves, and as they reach adulthood they can even have jobs and sometimes live by themselves.

Most children who are diagnosed with Down syndrome can live a pretty long life. Some people with Down syndrome are fifty years or older. This means that your child can have a full or happy life.

Remember that Down syndrome is just a medical term; do not let it control your life. You just need to love your child and nurture them and eventually they will become the person they were destined to be. Every child is a unique and special blessing so cherish every minute that you have with your child.