Natural Cure for Butt Zits

Butt zits, butt acne, “buttne,” whatever you’d like to call it. It all means the same thing- painful, disgusting, pulsing volcano zits on your ass that look like huge red welts. They hurt, they’re gross, they sting and itch. And you’d like them gone. Pronto.

The best way to get rid of butt acne, which are red, inflamed hair follicles on the buttocks (mostly near the crack where the skin is the most moist, but butt ane can be found all over, including the crease under your cheeks where your butt meets your legs) is to know what causes this painful, embarrassing condition in the first place. Butt acne is caused when the buttocks skin is irritated by sweat or friction, causing bacteria and germs to be locked into the hair follicles. The hair follicles become clogged, and the bacteria causes the pores surrounding the hair follicles to become infected and inflamed. The result are large, red pimples right on your derriere, often with white heads at the very tips where the bacteria is pooled and ready to ooze out like a volcano. Gross!

To prevent butt acne, realize that your private area is the 3rd hottest and sweatiest part of your body (head is number one, followed by the armpits) and it is a favorite breeding ground for germs and bacteria and a perfect trap for sweat and moisture, especially in and around the crack. Wearing cotton underwear rather than nylon and spandex and wearing tighty whities for guys (better avoids chafing and rashes) and boy shorts for girls (same reason) will help keep your bum area dry and prevent the sweat and moisture that butt zits need to thrive. Also, wiping your butt thoroughly and drying it completely after the showering will help keep breeding bacteria at bay.

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Treating butt acne is really quite simple, and it starts with exfoliation. To exfoliate the buttocks, you need an abrasive tool like a scrub brush to properly reach and slough off the affected areas. Take a clean scrub brush and apply basic soap without oils (such as regular bar or hand soap, not the moisturizing kind, which can trap oils into the butt acne, making it worse) and gently scrub the area for 30 seconds at a time in a circular, upward motion to break the whitehead off the butt acne and draw out the infection. It is always best to exfoliate while in the shower, when skin is the most pliable and able to slough off dead skin the most effectively. Exfoliation works to release dead skin which can also be blocking the infected pores and draw out and eliminate the bacteria and germs that are causing the acne sores and making them worse.

Do not squeeze or pop the zits with your fingers (how you can reach them, I don’t want to know). This will simply spread the bacteria to other areas and make the condition worse, including inflaming your current acne.

After thoroughly exfoliating the affected skin and rinsing all the soap off, towel dry completely and apply a drying agent that won’t harm the skin to help zap dry the over-active oils in the affected pores. Witch hazel is the perfect solution for treating aggressive zits without irritating the skin (it may sting for a moment). Apply witch hazel with a cotton ball to the exfoliated zits, careful not to use your fingers, which reintroduces oils into the pores, and allow this natural astringent to dry on the skin. This should reduce the redness and size of the zit as it works to further kill and prevent bacteria reentry and shrinks the size of the aggravated pores and hair follicles.

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Once dry, stay away from your daily lotions and oily moisturizers that will aide in clogging your pores on your butt and stick with a non-oily natural moisturizer, like Aloe Vera gel (the purer, the better). Aloe Vera works naturally to produce cell regeneration in your skin to replace the sloughed off dead cells and won’t clog pores, so you are left with healthy, smooth skin on your bum.

Butt acne is most prevalent in the summer, when sweating occurs the most. By wearing breathable, non-abrasive cotton undies, exfoliating the affected skin 2 to 3 times a week (too much and you aren’t allowing your skin to regenerate and can actually make your butt acne worse) and by staying away from oily lotions, you should be well on your way to a smooth, pain-free attractive bum in just a few days.

Smooth as a baby’s bottom.