Causes of Hair Loss in Women

It iss believed that the hair on our head grows at the rate of half-inch every month. Also, the hair follicles go through a resting phase that ranges between two to six years in most adults. So, we tend to lose a certain amount of hair during this resting phase and then, fresh hair is generated from the same hair follicles. This growth and fall of hair is a natural process, which continues in our entire lifetime unless interrupted by certain certain key factors. All of which causes hair loss. Now, there can be several reasons that are quite common to both men and women but we shall be only looking at factors which cause hair loss in women. Some of these factors may cause the hair loss to be permanent in nature, while others may only result in temporary hair loss.
Let’s take a look at some of the important factors causing hair loss in women.


Stress is considered to be one of the principal reasons contributing to hair loss. In order to deal with stressful situations, our body produces certain chemicals which are then released into the blood stream. These chemicals have an adverse effect on the hair follicles. This leads to sudden hair loss. Hair loss due to stress is often temporary in nature. Normal hair growth usually starts again after the situation improves.

Pattern Baldness

This problem is becoming increasingly common among women today. Physicians and hair specialists often cite this as the most common affliction, affecting over ยบ of the total population of women throughout the world. It is usually inherited from either of the parents. Unlike in the case of stress, here the hair loss does not occur all of a sudden. It is more subtle and gradual resulting in the thinning of the hair all over the scalp. Again, unlike the male pattern baldness which occurs in patches, the pattern baldness in women affects the entire scalp.

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Major Surgery and Chronic Illness

A major surgery or an underlying disease can also result in hair loss. This is because an illness can have an adverse effect on the hair follicles and the process of hair growth in women. In case of an illness or a surgery the body conserves energy on the non essentials such as the growth of hair and nails that do not constitute major functions of the human body. Thus the body suspends or slows down the expenditure of energy on hair growth. So hair loss can also be caused due to a major illness.

Medications used to treat depression, arthritis, high blood pressure and other heart problems and its side effects may also cause hair loss along with chemotherapy and birth control pills.

Hormonal Fluctuations

Although women produce only a small amount of the male hormone (testosterone), pregnancy, child birth, onset of menopause, and miscarriage or an abortion can cause hormonal fluctuations which may also be a cause for the thinning of hair and hair loss in women.

All of these causes hair loss but you need not worry as most of these can be treated.
