My GERD Diet and What Works

My GERD Diet has evolved through a simple process of elimination. Doctors told me when I was first diagnosed with GERD that I should go on a strict GERD diet. That meant leaving out things like chocolate, acidic fruits, alcohols, fatty or fried foods, garlic, dark sodas, minty items and caffeine. All of these foods are restricted or limited on most GERD Diets.

Nobody wants to hear that they are no longer allowed to eat chocolate or fried foods. The truth is it will help you lose weight and battle GERD at the same time. There are many things you can still eat while on a GERD Diet and be happy. Lean beef, chicken, bananas and bread are just fine in most cases. A GERD Diet also can be helpful if the individual eats smaller meals throughout the day.

GERD is not fun. Doctors also informed me that each individual who sufferes from GERD is different. Constructing a GERD Diet is unique for each individual and it’s up to these individuals to test and find out what triggers their own individual acid reflux and heartburn. Symptoms of GERD may vary and include heart burn, indigestion, sour mouth, sore throat, hoarseness, chest pain and a feeling of getting food caught in your throat. My doctors said to avoid and sometimes alleviate these symptoms you should start a GERD diet.

There are other things you can do or shouldn’t do with a GERD Diet. Lying down and propping your head up with a pillow when you sleep should help a bit. Smokers need to quit smoking all together because it only increases acid production. Never eat directly before you plan to go to bed because that food might be regurgitated while laying down. These are simple lifestyle changes you can make in addition to the new GERD Diet.

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I have found there are many helpful websites with information on a GERD Diet and what to eat and what not to eat. Through time and trials though I have also found that my doctors were correct in that some things hurt me more than others. Some food items on the GERD Diet trigger an episode of heart burn or indigestion more than others. My biggest weakness is sausage. I can hardly ever eat sausage and maybe it’s because of the fat intake or grease. Sausage is a major no-no for me on my GERD DIet. I kind of learned this the hard way through eating in the morning and feeling bad all day. Another thing that triggers my acid reflux is eating more than my share of potato chips. Barbeque is the worst trigger for me and if I decide to eat some I try to keep it minimal or else I have pain to deal with.

Mints are also out of the question for me. I even try not to use too minty of a toothpaste in the morning or if I do I rinse very very thoroughly. I also must be a vampire because Garlic has it’s way with me. I can no longer eat 2-3 pieces of Garlic Bread. That also brings to mind Spaghetti. Spaghetti with it’s tomato sauce is one of the worst things for me as a trigger for acid reflux. Pizza is also not very good but I hate to admit I enjoy it more than I should. If you can find and eliminate these types of items that trigger your acid reflux you will live much more comfortably on a GERD Diet.

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Hopefully this information will help those suffering from GERD and help each individual develop their own GERD Diet. Finding out what works and doesn’t work usually just takes time with a GERD diet. The sooner you start eliminating some of the bad foods, alcohol and smoking the better you should feel with GERD.