Its RED DYE #40 and My Child is OFF the Walls

Have you every wondered why many products on the store retail shelves are now being sold as Dye Free? These products range from cough/cold syrups,allergy pills to popsicles that are made with beet juice to name just a few?

Read on, as you may be surprised that something as easy as reading a label on the side panel of the box may help out with some of your childs outbursts and unmanageable behaviors.

Red Dye #40 is a food additive used to enhance the color as well as flavor in nearly all products either eaten or used. These products range from hand lotions, body soaps, meats, kids yogurts (orange,blue,purple and green). Take antibiotics that are pure white in color (ask your pharmacist if it has any red dye #40 (they will look at you funny since it is white but 9 out of 10 times it does have red dye #40 in it). Now lets take a look at Dorititos, both the original flavor and Cool Ranch both contain Red Dye #40 (although some of their newest line of flavors don’t). Take cheese curls, the generic brand of cheese curls have it yet the brand name Cheetos DOES NOT. Looking at childrens chewable vitamins, very difficult to find them without the red dye #40. Now that more people are becoming aware of this companies are now starting to come out with them, there is a gummi one available, but it is very difficult to find.

Once ingested, certain children may have an intolerance to this additive, exhibiting behavioral indifferences and severe trantruming without any provoking. My son could not handle it at age 3, and is still not able to at the age of 9. Within 10 minutes of ingestion,it is almost as if he is a different child. Trying to tell a child that he cannot have the SpongeBob popsicle when all of the other kids are, is not hard providing there is an alternative to something he can have. This is often not the case as everything has red dye #40. Although this has never been formerly diagnosed,as he doesn’t stop breathing or break out in a rash. This chemical additive has a lasting effect of 3-5 days after injection.

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From this day on, everyone who is in contact with my child, be it school, sitters, family or friend. Everyone is aware that he is not to have anything containing Red Dye #40. This is not always an easy thing and yes he does try to sneak it. I have had to teach him to read the labels. I can tell when he has had this additive even if I haven’t been with him just by how he acts. Sometimes its harder teaching caregivers since they just don’t believe what you are saying, which is very unfortunate.

I want to take a few more examples, like a Butterfinger or Reese Pieces your probably saying, its not red so he can have it right? Wrong, it has red dye #40 in it. Who would’ve thought right?Here’s a crash course to all those things you learned and probably forgot in kindergarten like how to make your primary colors. These kids cannot have any foods/drinks/candy/pops etc.that are purple (to make purple you mix blue with red), no orange (to make orange you mix red and yellow) usually green is a safe color, if you are unsure, always check. Then we have the themed parties at school for Valentines Day or Christmas(a nice red drink),make sure the school is aware so your child isn’t left out and still has something fun to drink or send something in. Make sure the school cafeteria or staff are aware as most choices for snack for juice or milk are either plain/chocolate or strawberry milk.

All of those nice red shirts your child looks so nice in, some are saying that the red in the shirt can be passed into skin.

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Going out to restaurants is always fun since ever notice the kids drinks are always red or blue right…I tell them sure give him the red one but tell them on the side, “cranberry juice and sprite. Cranberry has no red dye #40.

When you go into any store, all candy/gums/fruit snacks/fruit roll ups everything has red in it, there isn’t many choices that these kids can choose from so using our creativity is key to helping these kids feel that this allergy isn’t something wrong with them. My son was so delighted when he met another child that couldn’t have red dye #40, maybe it made him feel as if he wasn’t alone anymore.

In conclusion, parents always know their children best, listen with your ears and follow your heart. I can always tell if my son has snuck something with Red Dye and he will usually tell me, and to this day if you were to ask him “What happens if you have Red Dye #40, he isn’t ashamed to tell you, “it makes me angry”.

Always consult with your child’s doctor if you feel something isn’t right as each child’s situation is different. This is my personal experience with this chemical and hopefully it will help other parents.