My Early Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy

Every woman experiences different pregnancy signs and symptoms, so it’s not uncommon for women to wonder what types of symptoms other pregnant ladies have experienced.

I started noticing signs and symptoms of my pregnancy very early. In fact, many of my symptoms were apparent even before a home pregnancy test showed a positive result! I suspect my hormones were causing my body to change in the early stages of pregnancy. Here is a list of my very early signs and symptoms of pregnancy:

* Cramps: Surprise! I actually thought it was unlikely I was pregnant when I first noticed this symptom, since the cramps felt just like my regular PMS cramps. In fact, I was absolutely certain that my cramps were menstrual. However, this unlikely symptom was actually a very early sign of my pregnancy. I felt cramps during both the first and second trimester, although they were more pronounced the first trimester of my pregnancy.

* Acne: Again, this was a typical PMS symptom for me, so I didn’t attribute it to pregnancy. Now I realize that it was pregnancy hormones that caused the acne symptom. The acne stayed with me throughout my entire pregnancy.

* Hunger: Even before my baby could have been causing me to need extra calories, I found myself with a huge appetite. I wanted to eat high-carb, high-calorie foods. This was a very surprising sign of pregnancy considering how early it showed up.

* Cravings: Along with my hunger came intense cravings for food I do not normally eat. Foods that typically sound disgusting to me were suddenly appealing. This symptom continued throughout my first trimester.

* Nausea: I was unable to escape morning sickness, and it started very early for me. I have a few bouts of nausea before I got a positive pregnancy test, and these bouts turned out to be an early sign of pregnancy. Most notably I was sick whenever I was in motion, such as while being a passenger in a car. (I am not normally prone to motion sickness.) This symptom of pregnancy lasted throughout the first trimester.

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* Sensitivity to smells: Almost immediately after becoming pregnant I noticed an increase in my sensitivity to smells. Very strong odors–such as cigarette smoke or cooking meat–made me feel quite ill. This early symptom of pregnancy was actually one of the first things that made me think I might be pregnant.

* Bleeding gums: As strange as it may sound, my gums started to bleed whenever I brushed my teeth. This continued throughout my pregnancy. I learned later that this is a very common early sign of pregnancy.

* Sore breasts. My breasts became increasingly more tender and sore as my pregnancy progressed. They were larger and more sensitive very early in my pregnancy, and they continued to stay this way until my child was born.

I have heard other women say that loose stools, constipation, frequent urination and a metal taste in their mouth was an early sign of their pregnancies. As I mentioned before, every woman experiences different early pregnancy symptoms. I hope sharing mine with you has helped you determine if the symptoms you’re experiencing might be pregnancy related.