Murky Pond Water: Causes and Solutions

If you have a pond that has murky water in it, that doesn’t necessarily mean that the water system’s health isn’t in good shape, so as a pond with clear water which doesn’t mean that the pond is in very pristine condition. Aside from the fact that it looks better, pond owners aim for a much clearer pond water so that they may be able to watch the fish as they swim in it.

There are instances wherein the bottom of the pond is still visible although blunt in focus because of the murkiness of the water. And there are cases which are more extreme, preventing the bottom of the pond to be seen. Technically speaking, koi, goldfish and other pond fish types prefer the water to be cloudy since it’s much easier for them to be elusive of predator attacks. Murky water also prevents too much sunlight from entering the pond water prohibiting algae to flourish rapidly. However it is still bothering to have a water system that looks as if the owner does not bother cleaning it.

If the problem of cloudy pond water is still bothering you despite the adequate turnover rates and solid removals, then there must be other causes why the water gets murky. And there are ways for green water control.

Newly built ponds are more likely to lose the balance in their eco systems. This is due to the fact that a pond takes time to become mature in its environment, and in the things that it survives with. Also the micro-organisms that are supposed to mature in time are still far smaller than they should be. Therefore a new and unbalanced pond is more likely to have clarity problems.

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Oftentimes, a newly built pond is more likely to have overfed fish or uneaten food that contributes to the murkiness of the water. Since the pond is new, that means the bio filter is still adjusting thus making the excess uneaten food and fish wastes stay in the pond.

Ammonia or nitrite presence also results in cloudy pond water. Just to make sure that your pond in not suffering from too much nitrite and ammonia contamination, testing it would be great.

If in case your pond is already in existence for a long time now, then maybe algae are the ones that cause the pond water to be murky. Too much suspended algae are to be blamed for green water which falls to the category of murky water. In this case, the most effective way to avoid pea soup pond water is to install Ultra Violet Clarifiers or Ultra violet sanitizers. These pond equipments are responsible for exposing suspended algae to an excessive amount of ultraviolet light.

The food that you give to the fish in the pond may also cause pond water discoloration. If this thus occurs, ask your koi and other fish dealers regarding the food that you can give the fish which won’t affect the color of the water.

The problem of murky pond water is actually just minor. It is still important to ensure that the pond is healthy enough to house a number of living creatures.